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Brazilian Culture
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Music Asked by: sagwalla-ga List Price: $10.00 |
08 May 2002 03:36 PDT
Expires: 15 May 2002 03:36 PDT Question ID: 13744 |
I am moving to Brazil this summer and would like to be "au fait" with the culture when I arrive. I'm already reasonably familiar with Brazilian musical styles, but I would like to know some more about Brazilian artists and writers. As a starting point, how about finding the following: 1) Top ten selling recordings by Brazilian artists in Brazil in 2001 Please don't tell me the top ten recordings in Brazil - I only want to know about the Brazilian artists. 2) Top ten selling Brazilian music artists of all time 3) Top ten selling books by Brazilian authors in 2001 Titles in Portuguese are fine, but I'd love to know if there's an English version available as well. Does Brazil have its own version of the Grammy awards? Is there a web site with the winners? Thanks. Great idea, these answers... |
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Re: Brazilian Culture
Answered By: roguedog-ga on 14 May 2002 17:46 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Dear Sagwalla, Thank you for your inquiry. It is always good to prepare yourself for the trip abroad by trying to understand the peoples whom you will be temporarily living with. The fun part of the trip is getting to know and assimilate another cultures views. Sites listed with ** mean they are in Portuguese. Music The top selling recordings by Brazilian artists in 2001 can be found at Hot100@Brasil (http://www.hot100brasil.com/annual2001pt1.html), which lists the most played songs in Brazil's FM stations compiled from 265 selected stations in 27 States. I was a little confused because immediately after you requested the recordings you specified that you did not want the top ten recording but want to know about the artists. For that I have 2 sources for you. Brazzil Magazine has a pretty good article database of interviews with currently popular and legendary Brazilian artisans. Another good place I found was a website called The Brazillian Sound (http://www.thebraziliansound.com/linksby.htm ). This site has a list of artists and links to either interviews or direct links to the artists websites. For a listing current popular songs, try going to: **MusikCity : http://www.musikcity.mus.br/parada.html Hot100@Brasil: http://www.hot100brasil.com/annual2001pt1.html Music Awards Hot100@Brasil lists the winners of the 2001 Music Awards but, unfortunately, does not lists the name of the awards event. For the 2001 Music Awards winners, go to: http://www.hot100brasil.com/awardpage.html To keep on the newest and greatest on the Brazillian music scene try: All Brazillian Music: http://www.allbrazilianmusic.com/en/home/home.asp ** MTV Brasil: http://mtv.uol.com.br/ Hot100@Brasil lists the tops selling hits ever at: http://www.hot100brasil.com/triviapage.html Hot100@Brasil also has a history of Brazilian music: http://www.hot100brasil.com/timemachinemain.html. I apologize but I could not find the top-selling artists of all time but there is a link below, which lists a Brazilian music enthusiast must have list. See Extra Credit section for rec.music.brazilian. Books After searching all over for what I thought would be a fairly straightforward, easily found list, I just checked on a site I came across while surfing through a couple of the music artists biographies. They kept pointing to a magazine called Brazzil. After doing a search on this site for best selling books, I came up with the following information for you. Brazilian best-seller books, plays and movies in Brazil - Brazilian Culture - June 2001: http://www.brazzil.com/culjun01.htm Brazilian best-seller books, plays and movies in Brazil - Brazilian Culture - March 2002: http://www.brazzil.com/culmar02.htm The following article lists all the candidates for the Jabuti Laureate, Brazils most prestigious literary award. Its a great resource because it lists the authors of all the works broken down by category romance, short stories, poetry, childrens literature, and a host of non-fiction categories as well. http://www.brazzil.com/p05mar02.htm The 50 Best Brazilian Novels of the 20th Century - Portuguese Language - Brazilian Literature - September 1998 http://www.brazzil.com/p12sep98.htm Extra Credit Information Here is a list of information I came across in my research which I thought might also be of interest to you. Music and Books rec.music.brazilian is a newsgroups dedicated to Brazilian music. Here is a link to this newsgroups FAQ. I thought it was nice resource, which gave direct succinct answers. I also think from the quality of this FAQ the newsgroup could be a quality resource for you to keep up on the current Brazilian music scene. Richard Miskolci has a site where he lists his favorite Brazilian books. He is a native Brazilian. Go to: http://www.richardmiskolci.slg.br/favbo.htm Brazil's best-selling author, dies is an article from the Houston Chronicle about the famous Brazilian author, Jorge Amado who recently passed away. Top women writers by Brazzil magazine: http://www.brazzil.com/cvroct96.htm General Culture facts and perspectives The following site has nice links to topics like: highlights of Brazilian literature, 11 greatest Brazilian artists of all time, common popular sayings, movies from Brazil: http://www.brazilbrazil.com/culture.html ExecutivePlanet.com has this link which goes over the Brazilian business culture: http://www.executiveplanet.com/community/default.asp?section=Brazil FAQ for soc.culture.brasil has a great overview of Brazilian culture: http://wwwagr.informatik.uni-kl.de/~awangenh/brasfaq.3.0.html Globo.com is a nice Brazilian general news site. Thought it would be a nice way to keep up with happenings in Brazil. Go to http://www.globo.com/. This site is in Portuguese. Outsiders perspective of being in Brazil I thought you might enjoy these slightly humorous articles about how an Australian has experienced integrating into Brazilian culture. Brazil - BRAZZIL - An Australian Living in Rio - Brazilian Behavior - A Foreigner's Impressions - December 1998 http://www.brazzil.com/p40dec98.htm An Australian in Rio in a Night Out - Brazilian Behavior - A Foreigner's Impressions - February 1999 http://www.brazzil.com/p36feb99.htm There are more in this series on Brazzil if you enjoy these. Just do a search on their website! I hope you have a great time, learn lots, and come to truly appreciate this unique culture! |
rated this answer:![]() Thanks, roguedog - your answer was excellent. I also appreciate the extra credit info! If I confused you, my apologies. I re-read my question, and it is a bit ambiguous. What I was after was the domestic artists - the Brazilians on the list. I didn't want to know about the international pop that is big in Brazil. If you look at some of the lists, you can see what I mean. But just the same, the lists you pointed to were Top 50s, so I can eliminate the foreign stuff myself. The Brazzil site is a revelation. Many thanks for linking it! |
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Re: Brazilian Culture
From: ren222-ga on 08 May 2002 15:37 PDT |
I didn't get all the lists you asked for. And, believe me, a Top 10 list would never come close to the enormous environment of Brazilian music, one of the few countries in the world where local artists sell more than American artists. But I'd like to recommend you a nice Brazilian site, in English, that covers the contemporary music scene and also has lots of resources, like a glossary of Brazilian music styles and artists. http://www.uol.com.br/allbrazilianmusic/ Literature, however, has a totally different scene. As many Third World countries, literacy isn't exactly a key characteristic of Brazil - even if it has been changing in the last years, with the book publishing business achieving some strenght in a growing market. If you would like a personal recommendation, I believe you could find some translated books, searching for the following contemporary popular authors (I believe they have been translated: they are very good writers who also are always in the best selling lists): Luís Fernando Veríssimo, João Ubaldo Ribeiro, Rubem Fonseca. Always keeping in mind that you may want to find some stuff in English before you move down here, you could search for some authors that would give you a nice overview of the country. I believe the following had been translated: Machado de Assis (a giant, fantastic classic writer who wrote in the end of the 19th century); Jorge Amado (the best selling Brazilian writer of all times); Ignácio de Loyola Brandão; Euclides da Cunha (who wrote Os Sertões); Monteiro Lobato and Ziraldo (both authores of brilliant, unique children's stories). Poetry: you may find English translations of the works of the works of some of my personal favourites, like Manuel Bandeira, Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Mário Faustino, Murillo Mendes, Vinicius de Moraes and João Cabral de Mello Neto. As for a new generation of brilliant writers - many of whom, unforntunately, haven't had any works translated yet - you should keep in mind the names of Luiz Ruffato, Rubens Figueiredo, Marçal Aquino and Fernando Bonassi. Maybe after a while in Brazil you may risk some pages in Portuguese... On the issue of Brazilian history, I believe a good idea would be look for books by Thomas Skidmore, an American scholar who dedicated his life to Brazil and built a wonderful work about it. Oh, and there's somebody whose works you'll certainly find in English. His name is Paulo Coelho and he writes esoteric stories that were translated in almost every language in the world - recently, I read that he was on the best selling list of 17 countries or something. Bill Clinton said once he was reading one of his books. But let me advise you: his work is a waste of time. It sucks. Big time. These recomendations are far from complete. But I hope this helps a little - and that a researcher find the lists you asked for. Have a nice trip and good luck in Brazil. |
Re: Brazilian Culture
From: ren222-ga on 08 May 2002 15:54 PDT |
Oops. I believe my use of the word "literacy" wasn't exactly correct - altough the illiteracy levels down here are really alarming, compared with those of a developed country. The word I should have used is one I don't know: something to describe a lack of interest of the general public in literature. Also, I don't have the faintiest idea about how my comment got posted twice. |
Re: Brazilian Culture
From: sagwalla-ga on 09 May 2002 01:09 PDT |
ren222-ga, Thanks very much for the link to allbrazilianmusic. I will give it a look when I have some time. And also thanks for your recommended authors, many of whom I haven't heard from. I'm studying Portuguese at the moment, and hope, at some point during the year, to be proficient enough to read in the original. I've ordered a translation of Os Sertões as well as a copy of Levi-Strauss's Tristes Tropiques, in English. |
Re: Brazilian Culture
From: thambi-ga on 10 May 2002 19:01 PDT |
You asked about the brazilian grammy awards, I did find a website which has the results for the grammy awards in 2001 I believe. It is in another language which I am not familiar with, but maybe you will be able to translate it. here is the website: http://www.grammy.org/awards/latin_grammy/ there is another website with the names of musicians and their albums from latin-america. here is the website: http://www.grammy.org/awards/latin_hall_fame.html here is a website which explains the origin of the latin grammy awards. It is an article actually. http://www.terra.com/music/articulo/articulo.cfm?ID=MUS533 |
Re: Brazilian Culture
From: thambi-ga on 10 May 2002 19:09 PDT |
I am sorry about the last comment I posted about the latin music and grammy awards, my mistake. |
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