Hello ochi68,
Thank you for your question.
I am interpreting your latest comment to mean that you do, indeed,
have copies of your original sent.dbx and inbox.dbx files. If this is
the case, we can get your emails to be readable on your new machine.
First, make a copy of each of these files to be sure you do not lose
or corrupt your data. Take the copies and rename them, and for the
sake of this tutorial, name them oldinbox.dbx and oldsent.dbx.
Now, go to your new machine and open Outlook Express.
Go to File - New and then Folder and create a new folder called
oldinbox (do not use the .dbx extension here). Make sure you have
Local Folders selected when you click OK.
Now, do this again for oldsent.
Now close Outlook Express.
Now, take the copied files you have created - oldinbox.dbx and
oldsent.dbx and move them to the new machine in the
Windows\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook Express folder. If for some
reason this folder does not exist on your machine, go to the Start
Menu - Find - Files or Folders and search your entire drive for *.dbx.
You will find the folder where your Outlook Express .dbx files are
being stored. Move your new files to this location.
Now, open Outlook Express. Be sure that your folder list is visible
and, if not, go to View - Layout and make sure Folder List is checked.
You should see your new folders - oldsent and oldinbox listed here
along with Inbox, Outbox and Sent Items and any other folders you may
have. Click one of the new folders (oldinbox or oldsent) and all of
your old emails from that folder should be available.
I trust this will help you to read your old emails. From the example
you posted, the emails are not corrupt, but can not be read by notepad
as you have noticed. They need to be accessed by Outlook Express and
the above method will get your old files accessible on your new
If this should fail to work anything require further explanation,
please do post a Request for Clarification prior to rating this answer
and I will be pleased to assist further.
Best Regards,
-=clouseau=- |