Hi there,
There is only one email address for problems like yours:
You can probably imagine the number of queries from webmasters they
receive, so I would not expect an immediate reply.
The most likely reason why your site has lost its ranking is because
you have the same site duplicated at http://www.sixsigma.us/
I know that there can be genuine reasons for duplicating content,
however it doesn't help a web searcher much to have identical sites
appear in search results. It is therefore quite common for Google (it
probably happens automatically) to reduce the rank of one of the
sites. Google says this within their webmaster help pages:
Don't create multiple pages, subdomains, or domains with substantially
duplicate content.
This has been been discussed many times at WebMasterWorld, which is a
great resource for webmasters, and only requires free registration.
I am not sure that it has been totally penalised by Google as you show
grey bar and not a white bar, from what I have read here it just means
that Google has not indexed your site. After doing some checks, I
think that the page has been removed from the Google index because you
may have duplicated the page on another domain.
I recently had a domain get a greyed out PR due to near duplicate
This Google search lists all the WebMasterWorld discussions on
"duplicate content" (372 results)
I hope this answers your question. If any portion of my answer is
unclear, please ask for clarification.
Best wishes,
robertskelton-ga |
Clarification of Answer by
06 Jan 2003 03:44 PST
Contacting Google
The only official way is via their help email address. I have a
feeling that their email software might give higher priority to
someone who has emailed several times, which could denote a more
urgent or important query. (I'm totally guessing, but people who have
had results tend to mention sending more than one email).
Google's corporate contact page
There is a discussion about shortcuts for contacting Google 1/4 of the
way down a page at the respected site Search Engine Watch:
"...web site owners wondering why their sites may not be listed are
instead supposed to use the help@google.com address.
The problem here is that Google does not respond to all the mail it
receives. There isn't time. Consequently, people may seek out help on
public forums or they may email anyone they think may help, which may
include their Google's ad reps."
Paid support has been mentioned as desirable by a few webmasters, but
Google prefers to keep their services as free as possible. Visiting
public forums like WebMasterWorld is definitely recommended. Because
Google doesn't publish much detail on how their search engine works,
consensus of opinion is the best way to work it all out.
How to fix the problem
1) At sixsigma.us create a text file called robots.txt and put this in
User-agent: *
Disallow: /
This tells search engine robots like the GoogleBot to ignore this
site. More info about excluding robots:
2) Email Google and tell them what has happened and how you have fixed
it. This probably won't help things, but it is possible - and emails
are free.
3) Resubmit the URLs of both sites to Google:
4) Wait a month or two.
Regarding bmgi and bmgroup
Many sites get away with using duplicate content. Some search engine
experts believe that Google looks at Whois records and IP addresses of
both sites to see if they match. I think it is more likely to be that
they just check small portions of the index each month, and it comes
down to luck. Supposedly when identical sites are found, Google keeps
the one with the most incoming links, but in my experience it seems to
be a 50/50 toss-up.