White Chocolate Ravioli?! Mmmm, I have GOT to try this!
Here you will find a recipe for White Chocolate Ravioli:
Recipe Source
Although the recipe assumes that you have a ravioli-molding machine,
I'm sure you can hand-form your ravioli, just as you would with normal
pasta dough. Here are three sites that give instructions for
hand-rolling ravioli:
Italian Food Forever
La Lama Mountain Ovens
Here's another recipe. This one has a raspberry filling:
Recipe Gold Mine
This recipe is a bit different, since the dough is not rolled thin,
but formed into balls which are flattened:
Cookie Recipes
My Google search strategy:
"white chocolate ravioli"
"ravioli by hand"
I hope this satisfies! If anything above is unclear or incomplete, or
if any of the links do not function, please request clarification
before rating my answer, and I'll gladly offer further assistance.
Best wishes, and "Bon-bon" Appétit!
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