Thanks for a very interesting question. Before looking how the word
script is used in programming, we should look at the etymology of the
word as a whole as this helps us figure out why the word script is
used in programming. The word script has several origins: The Middle
English word skript, which is a piece of writing. Skript is an
alteration of scrite, from Old French escrit which itself is from
Latin scriptum, from neuter past participle of scrbere, or, to write.
In programming, a script is a set of instructions. The computer
executes the instructions, then returns data, a value -- which could
be a number, a string, a list, or another data type. Scripts and
scripting (as well as the term 'script') have been around since the
1960's. The first widely used script was JCL, or Job Control
Language. This script was used to sequence the flow of data card
decks for mainframe computers. Being that scripts are lines of
instruction that are written, very simlarly to the way that movie
scripts give directions to actors and other guidance, the term seemd
to fit for the engineers that created the first scripting language.
The primary reason for coming with a new term was to differentiate
scripts and scripting from natural languages, or programing languages,
and programing and programs. Scripts are a a sequence of instructions
that are carried out by another program as opposed to an acutal
program itself.
Thanks again for your question and if you need any additional
clarification, please let me know.
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