Thanks for your question. While this may not be the easiest way to
achieve your desired results, it will work. This is assuming that
your numbers are in a single column.
In column A, place your numbers from your import
In column B, place the following formula: =LEN(A1)
In column C, place a "$" without the quotation marks
In column D, place the following formula: =LEFT(A1,B1-2)
In column E, place a "." without the quotation marks
In column F, place the following formula: =RIGHT(A1,2)
In column G, place the following formula: =CONCATENATE(C1,D1,E1,F1)
You will need to copy these formats into all the rows you have
You can either A) Copy the results from Column G and paste them into a
new column using Edit -> Paste Special -> Values or you can hide the
columns containing the formulas and your original data.
You can see an example of the spreadsheet at
I have place three worksheets. One shows the entire format with all
columns showing. The second shows if you cut the data from Column G
and paste the values. The third shows the data with columns hidden.
Thanks again for your question and if you need any additional
clarification, please let me know.
-THV |