Hi Aarmin:
You asked an interesting question! It certainly looks easy enough in
the movies and on television, doesn't it?
A search of the requirements in California led to the Bureau of
Security and Investigative Services of the California Department of
Consumer Affairs (BSIS).
BSIS regulates private investigator licensure and has strict licensing
procedures to become a private investigator.
The mandatory requirements to become a private investigator in
California are:
a. must be 18 years of age or older;
b. have three years (2,000 hours each year, totaling 6,000 hours) of
compensated experience in investigative work; or a law or police
science degree plus two years (4,000 hours) of experience; or an AA
degree in police science, criminal law, or justice and 2-1/2 years
(5,000 hours) of experience;
c. Undergo a criminal history background check through the California
Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI); and
d. receive a qualifying score on a 2-hour written examination covering
laws and regulations.
There are additional requirements for a firearms permit and/or a
concealed firearms permit.
While a few of the classes constituting part of the curriculum may be
available online (such as English and math requirements), most are
available only through the California colleges and universities and
require your physical presence on campus.
There is more information in the Private Security Services Act -
The California Bureau of Security and Investigative Services maintains
a Website at http://www.dca.ca.gov/bsis/
The information about private investigators, including Frequently
Asked Questions, can be found at http://www.dca.ca.gov/bsis/pi.htm
Search terms used:
California Private Investigator Requirements -
Additional information about Private Investigators, including some
information about California requirements can be found here on the US
Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics at:
I hope this information helps - and good luck in the future in
whatever field you decide to enter.
Yours ever so,
Serenata |