From Helena College of Technology:
"How Students Learn:
10% of what they read
20% of what they hear
30% of what they see
50% of what they both see and hear
70% of what they say or discuss with others
80% of what they do or experience personally
90% of what they say and do
95% of what they teach
William Glasser as reported in Kagan & Robertson; Cooperative Learning
Co-op Facilitators? Handbook: Kagan Cooperative Learning and James E.
Stice, Engineering Education, Feb 1987, 77:291-96."
From "Orientation and Training for Adult Learners":
"Research indicates that 72 hours after a learning experience, adults
tend to remember 10% of what they READ, 20% of what they HEAR, 30% of
what they SEE, 50% of what they both SEE AND HEAR, 70% of what they
SAY OR WRITE, 90% of what they SAY AS THEY DO A THING. When
introducing new concepts, procedures, information, or principles,
encourage participants to talk about what they are doing during and
after practicing the learning."
Source: Merrill Associates:
These articles might also be relevant to your subject matter:
"Addressing Diverse Learning Styles Through the Use of Multimedia"
hosted by University of Illinois:
"Learning Theory: Applying Kolb's Learning Style Inventory with
Computer Based Training" hosted by chartula.com
Also see:
"Maximising Individual Learning" hosted by Argentum:
search terms: learning, visual, auditory, "what they hear", "what they
see", "kolb's learning"
I hope this helps. |