who designed olympic uniforms for cuban athletes , paticularly track
and field, in 1976? |
Request for Question Clarification by
21 Jan 2003 13:08 PST
In a recent Sports Illustrated issue, there is a story about runners
Mike Boit and Alberto Juantorena. In the article is a photograph of
Juantorena in his uniform and wearing his medals. The manufacturer of
the uniform is clearly labeled. Is this sufficient information for
Clarification of Question by
21 Jan 2003 17:56 PST
yes this will be sufficient. i appreciate it!
Request for Question Clarification by
24 Jan 2003 15:40 PST
In the December 23, 2002 issue of Sport's Illustrated (page 17-18)
appears an article about runners Mike Boit and Alberto Juantorenathe
latter being one of the Cuban track and field athletes in 1976 and the
only man to win an Plympic 400-800 double. A photograph of Juantorena
wearing his uniform and medals shows that the manufacturer is Adidas
for the Cuban uniform.
However, I am not posting this as an answer because there is no way to
know whether or not that is the uniform used in 1976. The uniform is
white, with two red bands running in the middle. In my opinion, the
photograph seems to be more recent than 1976. I apologize for not
having the exact answer for you, but perhaps this will help somewhat.
Here is a link to the online version of this SI issue. Unfortunately,
the Boit-Juantorena article does not appear online. Perhaps you could
check with your local library if you wish to view a copy of this
Request for Question Clarification by
24 Jan 2003 15:48 PST
One thing I just discovered: the photograph is a recent one, but the
uniform does appear to be identical with an old 1976 photograph of
Juantorena receiving his medals, in which case the manufacturer is
indeed Adidas. Let me know if this is sufficient and I will post it
as an answer. Thanks
Clarification of Question by
27 Jan 2003 10:37 PST
thanks a lot. this is exactly what i needed to know...
we can close the question...