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Q: Virtual Freelance Editorial Requirements ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   5 Comments )
Subject: Virtual Freelance Editorial Requirements
Category: Business and Money > Employment
Asked by: lizardnation-ga
List Price: $15.00
Posted: 09 May 2002 07:02 PDT
Expires: 16 May 2002 07:02 PDT
Question ID: 13951
Where would one locate remote and Internet based editorial freelancers
of multilingual capabilities and diverse areas of interest and
speciality and be able to coperate with them via the Internet in terms
of assigning on-going or one off work and be able to compansate them
for their results conveniently as it's the case with Google?

Features such as "project management" functionality on the web site
would be important.  Unless there're other sites which can provide an
better environment than the ones sourcing the freelancers as an ASP
which I preffer.

Languages of focus for now are Arabic, English and Spanish.

I have located, and

The above may qualify, but I wanted to round the most useful sites
which could cover my needs to evaluate and make an appropriate choice
early on.

I would also appreciate information on freelance editorial work as to
its quantification and compansation estimation.  A fair way for both
ends.  This should be a sampling of multiple regions and not be US

A sample of a simple and brief nondisclosure agreement as well as a
freelance contract between the hirer and the freelancer that does go
in effect in a pure electronic medium.  What I seek is to protect the
freelancer as well as the hirer from their own misunderstandings as
well as the rare care where someone's work is re-represented to the
hirer as the freelancers' own work.

A plate full, but I'm confident I'll find what I need from the history
of Google Answers. O:-)


Request for Question Clarification by waggawa-ga on 15 May 2002 10:15 PDT
Are you looking for something more than localization services? Try
searching those terms first (localization OR localisation service OR
consultants). Let me know if it's something beyond that.
Subject: Re: Virtual Freelance Editorial Requirements
Answered By: easterangel-ga on 16 May 2002 03:45 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Hi! Thanks for the question.

There are lots of online sources for finding freelance editors online.
 For sites that have project management capabilities check these

E-Work Exchange

Smarter Work offers editors from different countries.

Free Agent

Online Freelance Editor

These links have the same function but it seems that they don’t have
project management capabilities like the ones above.

Creative Freelancers

Sunoasis Jobs

Editorial Services Online

To find International freelance editors online please visit the

Writer Find

For finding specific Spanish freelance writers:

Freelance Spain

You can post freelancing jobs here: You are however on your own to
contact those who put projects.

I really admire your ethics in contracting freelancers. I hope that
the following resources can give a birds eye view of the freelancing
market so that you could pay what is fair.
Compensation for editorial freelancing

Freelancing Code of Fair Practice

Estimating Editorial Tasks: A Five-Step Method by Robin A. Cormier

Sample Freelance Editorial Agreement or contract

Search Terms used:
freelance editors online international contract samples

I hope these links provide the necessary information you require.
Again thanks for being a part of Google Answers.

Request for Answer Clarification by lizardnation-ga on 22 May 2002 12:24 PDT
Hello Waggawa,

I was away on a short trip, pardon the delay in responding to you.

Sounds like you closed in on half the requirements..  I'm looking for
localization and appropriation for local markets of the diffirent
countries we'll operate in as well as content creators to begin with.

Let me know if you need further clarification.


Clarification of Answer by easterangel-ga on 23 May 2002 05:22 PDT
Sorry Iwas not able torespond immediately. I

I would like to clarify my answer (not waggawa's clarification) is
waht you want clarification?

My next question is this. You want to create a website wherein you
already have editorial freelancers? You also would like somebody to
create the website? Or that you would want to have the frellancers
create the website? Pls. clarify my questions o that I could
immediately provide an answer.


Request for Answer Clarification by lizardnation-ga on 25 May 2002 12:52 PDT
Hello Easterangel-ag,

What I'm interested in is to create the electronic work management and
coordination and workflow myself, but hire freelancers to use my
system to be assigned editorial work we need to get done on an ongoing
basis to satisfy the content needs our publication channels require in
English, Spanish and Arabic.

The web site and the tools are not part of my requirements here,
merely where to source them and manage work them till our internal
system is done.

The links look very good and I'll need two days to check them out and
rate the results if you don't mind. :-)


Clarification of Answer by easterangel-ga on 25 May 2002 17:44 PDT
Hello lizardnation-ga.

I am sorry but my question analysis abilities are not fuctioning well

Does this mean that the links and answers I already provided are ok
and you just need the time to check them out first before you make
comment or rating. Or do you need something more? If you do need more
info just don't hesitate to tell me I would be more than willing to
provide it if it exists or if I find it online.

Thanks again and hope that the links indeed would be of help to you.

Request for Answer Clarification by lizardnation-ga on 26 May 2002 12:21 PDT
Hello Easterangel-ga,

I think the answers are sufficient, but I'll be back to base from a
bit of traveling tomorrow evening where I shall go through the answer
and rate it or post a clarification.

How does that hit you?


Clarification of Answer by easterangel-ga on 26 May 2002 15:36 PDT
Thanks. Crystal clear. I'll wait. 

Good luck on your trip.
lizardnation-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars
All around satisfactory results.


Subject: Re: Virtual Freelance Editorial Requirements
From: voila-ga on 09 May 2002 15:11 PDT
Hi LN!

Here's a link to get you started.  If posting a job isn't to your
liking, you may just want to access their links resource file.

Best of luck!
Subject: Re: Virtual Freelance Editorial Requirements
From: lizardnation-ga on 11 May 2002 05:38 PDT
Hello Voila,

Thank you for the link. I'm going to screen it when I have all the
materials ready to make a decision. :-)

Subject: Re: Virtual Freelance Editorial Requirements
From: voila-ga on 11 May 2002 11:06 PDT
Hi Mr. Gecko!

Hope you don't mind that I'm doing this project piecemeal but I have
to sandwich in research time wherever I can fit it.

I've found a few more links for you but I can't ensure the frequency
with which some of this information is updated, nor any of these
editors' availability.  The Arabic factor seems to be a bit elusive,
but there are a couple freelance listings.

Also, I included an interesting general article on the translation
field and a bit about their pay structure.  They really do work hard
for their money!

I'll keep working on your project as I have time and I hope these
links are helpful to you.

Subject: Re: Virtual Freelance Editorial Requirements
From: voila-ga on 11 May 2002 13:54 PDT
Hi Mr. G.

Here I am loading you up with links again!  Below I've tried to
provide you with a list of freelance folks and agencies which I think
might serve your purposes.  Personally, I'd tend to go with one of the
freelancers with good word-of-mouth just to keep expenses down on both
sides of the bargaining table. Those middle men can surely drive up
the cost of doing business.

or if that link's too long try: (individual and,
no, he's not a relative)

Here is a list of Arabic freelance translators 
(PDF document; Adobe Acrobat Required + I had to bump the text up to
400% for readability though) 

As far as your sample nondisclosure contracts, you might check a few
of these sites: (an individual's site; click "terms," then
"contract") (this one's a
proposal kit which includes a contract and tracking of a project; a
bit on the expensive side) (a very basic
(this is a newsletter for contract workers and would probably benefit
either the contractor or contractee.

That's all I have for you today.  If there is any more clarification I
can do, please let me know.  I hope your ideal candidate is lurking
among these references.

Good luck (and holding my breath that all these links work for you!),
Subject: Re: Virtual Freelance Editorial Requirements
From: ckclarke-ga on 12 May 2002 15:02 PDT
Hi there,

You might also try They have a variety of
services that might be what you're looking for, and it's all on one

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