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Resources for a child who wants to be a doctor
Category: Reference, Education and News Asked by: jmhines123-ga List Price: $25.00 |
09 May 2002 07:28 PDT
Expires: 16 May 2002 07:28 PDT Question ID: 13957 |
I am looking for resources such as magazines, clubs or web sites that would be appropriate to help nurture the career ambitions of an 11 year old who wants to be a doctor when he grows up. I am aware of different organizations such as 4H or the Boy Scouts who offer a merit badge on the topic, but what I am really hoping to find are resources that are very focused on the dream of becoming a doctor and that are age appropriate for a middle school student. | |
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Re: Resources for a child who wants to be a doctor
Answered By: pkp-ga on 09 May 2002 18:53 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Hi, How lucky your son is to have such a supportive and encouraging parent! I hope you and your son will find the below info of use. In summary, I could not find specific periodicals or clubs for children focusing on a career in medicine. However, there were some excellent web resources that you can use. Furthermore, once your son is a few years older there are some internship programs for teens. Medicine & Medical Career Websites for Kids ------------------------------------------- The best doctor career site that I found was "Kids Like Ours: Career info for Children" Their doctor-specific career info for kids can be found at: http://www.kidslikeours.com/dream/d1.htm They provide links to other relevant websites, as well as recommendations for age appropriate books from primary through high school. I also liked KidsHealth.org, a health info site specifically geared towards kids: http://kidshealth.org/kid/ This site is an excellent place for your son to explore and learn about common diseases and illnesses (such as cold sores and carpel-tunnel syndrome.) All of the info appears to be targeted at teens and pre-teens. They even have articles on going to and understanding the role of different types of doctors, such as Psychologist, Occupational Therapist, Dentist and "Doctor." How to Become a Doctor ---------------------- The American Association of Medical Colleges also offers some extremely basic info on becoming a doctor and some things to consider before embarking this path. http://www.aamc.org/students/considering/start.htm Careers in Animal Medicine -------------------------- You didn't mention if your son was interested in being a human or animal doctor. If his interests tend towards animals, check out The Smithsonian Institute's info on becoming a doctor: http://pandas.si.edu/careers/preparation.htm Internships for Teens --------------------- Stanford University's Center for Clinical Sciences Research offers 8 weeks summer internships to high school students. According to an SFgate article located at: http://ccis.stanford.edu/newsarticles/sfchronsept14/sept14.htm "To be accepted, students must have had at least one year of high school biology and chemistry, plus an A grade-point average and stellar test scores. A letter of recommendation is also required." I would guess that this would require a student to be at least a sophomore before being eligible unless your son is planning on taking advanced placement classes through his junior high school. The University of Connecticut offers the "Health Professions Partnership Initiative" focusing on minority and disadvantaged students. According to their site at: http://medicine.uchc.edu/departments/hcop/index.shtml "Program elements focus on upper elementary, middle/junior high school, high school and college level students. " Other Programs -------------- USC offers a "Health Care Professionals Awareness Day" to local schools. There is an article on their program at: http://www.usc.edu/hsc/info/pr/1vol3/303/students.html It would probably be worthwhile for you to visit the websites of any local medical colleges to see if they might offer similar school programs in your area. Search Strategy --------------- Terms used: teens career medicine kids career medicine I hope this info is of help to you and your son. Thanks for using Google Answers! pkp-ga |
rated this answer:![]() Thank you. Lots of information to check out. |
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Re: Resources for a child who wants to be a doctor
From: mes384-ga on 09 May 2002 10:43 PDT |
I'm not sure if your local hospital would have any programs for awareness or volunteering that are suitable for an 11 year old, but it's probably a good place to start. They may be able to direct you to any clubs or programs. mes384 |
Re: Resources for a child who wants to be a doctor
From: sjkistler-ga on 09 May 2002 12:33 PDT |
Possible Website (limited): http://www.laportehealth.org/justforkids/beadoc.html |
Re: Resources for a child who wants to be a doctor
From: journalist-ga on 09 May 2002 14:16 PDT |
The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) has on its web site a quick view which includes "Getting Into Medical School" and "Financial Planning." This area of study for an 11 year-old yeilded for me no real information of the type for which I believe you are looking. http://www.aamc.org/students/considering/careers.htm You may consider the absence of information as an opportunity to compile your own course of study concerning the field of medicine for this age group, and perhaps begin a web site for children with similar interests. For general reading of a career in medicine, I would suggest securing a copy of "So You Want to Be a Doctor: The Realities of Pursuing Medicine As a Career" by Naomi Bluestone or "120 Careers in the Health Care Field" by Stanley Alperin. The books are currently out-of-print (maybe find on an online auction like Ebay) but they may provide your child some assistance, or contact a local physician and ask him/her what books they read as children that advanced their knowledge and interest in medicine. |
Re: Resources for a child who wants to be a doctor
From: shae-ga on 09 May 2002 16:06 PDT |
I was unable to find any websites for children with information about medical careers that is often updated as you requested so Im sharing what I did find as a comment rather than as an answer. The Burea of Labor Statistics website includes a Career Information section for children. Their page on being a doctor is at http://www.bls.gov/k12/html/sci_003.htm . From the BLS page, I followed a link and found the Association of American Medical Collegess Considering a Career in Medicine page (http://www.aamc.org/students/considering/start.htm ). Though this page states [h]igh school is not too soon to think about a career in medicine the internal links on this site seem to be a good jumping off point of reading material for you and your child. Topics include Exploring Careers in Medicine, Deciding to Become a Doctor, and Getting Into Medical School. Though the Student Doctor Network (http://www.studentdoctor.net/idex.asp ) is geared toward pre-med college students or those currently in med school, it has numerous links that will be helpful as your child gets older. The Big Guide to Medical School (http://www.studentdoctor.net/guide/index.html ) includes a section for high school students covering classes to take and volunteering. The site also includes a Student Forums bulletin board where you could post and ask the participating medical students if they might have additional resources for your son. I was going to do that myself but I could not ever get the bulletin board to load but perhaps youll have better luck. |
Re: Resources for a child who wants to be a doctor
From: boquinha-ga on 02 Aug 2004 14:00 PDT |
Hello! I've just noticed this question (as well as some of your others) and though it's an older question, I figure that this may be of interest to you: http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=287766 I hope that helps! Sincerely, Boquinha-ga |
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