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Q: Question for Bobbie7 only ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   1 Comment )
Subject: Question for Bobbie7 only
Category: Business and Money > Employment
Asked by: brudenell-ga
List Price: $10.00
Posted: 09 Jan 2003 05:02 PST
Expires: 08 Feb 2003 05:02 PST
Question ID: 139765
I would like a lists of Registered Nurse minimum, maximum & average hourly
wages for each Canadian province.
Subject: Re: Question for Bobbie7 only
Answered By: bobbie7-ga on 09 Jan 2003 05:58 PST
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Good morning  Brudenell,

Here is the list of Registered Nurse minimum, maximum & average hourly
wages for each Canadian province.

CFNU National Nurses' Salaries Data Base
General Duty Registered Nurse (Salary is for the year 2002)
Province             Minimum     Maximum       Average
                     Hourly      Hourly        Hourly
British Columbia     $24.70      $32.42        $28.56
Alberta              $24.70      $32.42        $28.56
Nova Scotia          $22.34      $26.22        $24.28
Ontario              $21.75      $32.71        $27.23
Saskatchewan         $21.34      $25.92        $23.63
Manitoba             $21.48      $25.33        $23.41
N. Brunswick         $20.16      $24.53        $22.35
PEI                  $19.35      $23.58        $21.47
Newfoundland/Labrador$20.05      $25.62        $22.69
Québec               $17.11      $25.49        $21.30

Source: Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (CFNU)

This is the information I was able to locate regarding per diem costs
for nursing homes:

Ontario: $62.60

“The Ministry provides per diem funding for each resident at each
nursing home, municipal and charitable home for the aged.  The per
diem rate is identical across the three types of facilities.

The per diem is divided into what we call three "envelopes”: One is
Nursing and Personal Care; the second is Programming and Support
Services; and the third is Accommodation.

Currently, the average per diem rate per resident is $102.62.  The
government portion of the per diem is on average $62.60 and the
resident contributes on average $40 towards the per diem. The fee
structure for residents of long term care facilities is regulated by
the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and is the same throughout
the province.”

Additional information that may interest you:

How Nursing Home Daily Rates Are Set:

The Department of Health licenses nursing homes.
“In every province, the real costs of providing long-term care in a
facility are approximately the same —$140 a day. Citizens of provinces
west of New Brunswick pay less for their long-term care than people in
Atlantic Canada, not because the cost of care is less in other
provinces, but because their governments are in a financial position
to pay more.”

This 80 page publication gives important definitions related to
nursing homes and continuing care facilities.

Search Criteria:
Registered Nurses Salary is 2002 Canada by Province
Canada government funding for nursing homes per person per day OR per

I hope you find this helpful! 

Best Regards,
brudenell-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars and gave an additional tip of: $40.00
THANK YOU for your great work. It is consistently a pleasure to read
the results of your research and I fully realize that the length of
the answer is not necessarily indicative of the work spent on the

Subject: Re: Question for Bobbie7 only
From: bobbie7-ga on 09 Jan 2003 06:52 PST
Dear Brudenell,
I really appreciate the very generous tip and the great rating.
Thank you so much. It is a pleasure to work with you as well.
Kindest regards,

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