Hello again, Calamity Jane!
I'm happy to help on this matter. When I was a youngster, I was
fascinated by reptiles, and I had several pet snakes, including a
veritable snake-pit full of garter snakes that lived between a
retaining wall and my backyard fence. Now that I am older, I tend to
choose warm blooded pets (I agree with you about preferring cats -
there's no snake in the world that can equal a purring fur-faced
On the matter of distinguishing a ribbon snake from a garter snake,
you'll find some good descriptions, with illustrations, on this
University of Massachusetts site:
University of Massachusetts: Striped Snakes
Note that the first description on the page above leads to this
information about the ribbon snake:
"The ribbon snake is a very slender, striped snake, similar in
appearance to the garter snake but with a much longer tail."
University of Massachusetts: Eastern Ribbon Snake
The second description on the snake identification page leads to a
page describing the garter snake:
"A dark line separating the yellow side stripe from the belly is not
particularly bold as it is in the ribbon snake. "
University of Massachusetts: Common Garter Snake
To summarize the information found on the site above, the main
differences between these snakes are these:
A ribbon snake is more slender than a garter snake, and is more often
found in wetlands. The stripe pattern of the ribbon snake includes
bold dark stripes between the snake's belly and sides, while the
garter snake's stripe pattern may have a "checkered" appearance.
Notice the "stripe pattern" diagram shown for each snake. If you
compare these patterns against the snakes in question, that should
help you to identify the little fellas as garters or ribbons.
I found a Garter & Ribbon Snake Forum which may be useful in obtaining
information about these critters. There seem to be quite a few people
who are fond of them!
Kingsnake.com: Garter & Ribbon Snake Forum
And here's a nice "care sheet" which covers both garter and ribbon
Livefood UK: CAPTIVE CARE SHEET SPECIES, Garter Snakes and Ribbon
The site linked below has some well-detailed photos of both snakes.
Notice how much thicker the garter snake's body is, compared to the
delicate ribbon snake. In the top two photos, note the patterns of
dark spots under the lower stripe. This is a variant of the
"checkered" pattern that is referred to on the University of
Massachusetts site linked above. This row of spots or "checkers" is
typically present on the garter snake; the ribbon snake has a dark,
solid band in this area instead.
South Alley: Garter and Ribbon Snakes
My strategy for locating this information included the search terms
"garter snake," "ribbon snake," "difference," "identify," and
I hope this helps your grandson to identify his snakes. If you need
more information, or if any of the links do not function, please
request clarification; I'll be glad to offer further assistance.
Best wishes,
pinkfreud |