Hello jasnider-ga,
The documentary with the French title "La guerre du Golfe : première
partie", part of a six-part series by Holly Aylett, Christine
Garabedian, and Andrew Solomon, was shown on La chaine histoire (a
French satellite channel) on January 8, 2003 at 12:45. The
documentary with the French title "Les dessous de la guerre du Golfe",
by Audrey Brohy and Gerard Ungerman (misspelled as "Ungermann" on
arte's site), was shown on arte (another French satellite channel) on
the same day at 20:45. (The title in German is "Die währe Geschichte
des Golfkrieges"; ARTE broadcasts in both French and German at the
same time.)
Google cache of "Golf" [under heading "Wednesday 8 January 03", at
12:45 and 20:45]
"Semaine Du 04-01 au 10-01" [click on "après" to get to the second
page, then click on "20.45 Les dessous de la guerre du Golfe" to get
information about the program]
[Please note that this page is time sensitive and will likely
disappear soon]
I assume from the English title you have given that the second
documentary is the one you want. The original English title is
"Hidden Wars of Desert Storm". The documentary, as well as 8 and 1/2
hours of source material, can be purchased on VHS from this site:
Hidden Wars of Desert Storm
If you are instead interested in the six-part documentary, whose
English title is "Battle for the Gulf", you can contact OR Media to
determine its availability:
"Battle for the Gulf"
OR Media
- justaskscott-ga
Search terms used on Google:
belgium television [enabling me to find EuroTV site in Google
"gulf war" aylett
"battle for the gulf" aylett
"battle for the gulf" "or media"
"gulf war" brohy ungermann
"gulf war" brohy ungerman
"hidden wars" brohy ungerman |