C++ questions: to give CPP program code printouts
Before 01/14/2003
1, Allow user to enter 5 integer, to output the max & min integer
2, User enter any english word, and count all the character with
repretative number and calculate out the average of the word.
3, Enter 2 numbers, I&J, and draw out a rectangle consisted of I
line(vertical), J line( horizontal), and fill up the characters with
representitive number from the zero line (0,0), for example:
User enter the number of 3 & 7, and the rectangle will be like this:
4, User enter 3 random numbers, and the program need to find out if
these 3 numbers can make a triangle? and if it is YES, try to find out
what kind of triangle it is( right-angle,or obscure and etc.) must be
solved by a SWITCH STATMENT,( Hint: use bool variables)
5,User enter a integer, "n", and "n*n" stands for the number of the
small square of the chess board, and we let the user to enterthe
position of the black & white pieces randomlyon the board, at the same
time the chess board is being drawn up(B: black pieces; W: white
pieces), if the input of the user enter is worng, print out the error
messege. |
Request for Question Clarification by
14 Jan 2003 02:05 PST
It is now 1/14/2003. Did you mean to say "on or before 01/14/2003"?
If so, could you:
clarify part 2 | What representative number? Average value per
clarify part 4 | 3 numbers are lengths of the three sides of the
clarify part 5 | I just don't understand at all what you're driving
If this is, as it appears, a homework question, could you link to
where the specifications are, or type them out verbatim? That way,
any ambiguities can be assumed to be intentional.
Clarification of Question by
14 Jan 2003 09:08 PST
Q2: Yes, Average value per letter.
Q4:Yes, 3 numbers present the length of 3 sides of the triangle.
Q5:Sorry, I havent written in Enlgish for long time so my English is
sucked, anyway the questions is about:
Making up a rectangle(a black & white chess board) of "n*n",( "n" is a
number/integer which allows the user
to enter randomly), afterwards, the user starts to enter the position
of black and white pieces on the chess board; simultaneously, the
chess board is being drawn up, if the user enters a wrong value or
worng data into the program, please print out the ERROR MESSEGE.( if
you still cant understand my question, thats alrite, just leave it