Clarification of Question by
14 Jan 2003 20:39 PST
No. It is an all copper system with brass/bronze fittings - except
for the water heater, of course, which is a glass lined steel tank.
The fittings on the tank are steel, but they have plastic liners -
althought the liners were pretty crapped out on the old tank. I
thought electrolysis of some sort might be involved because the
pitting that originally ocurred was unusual-it looked more like
cavitation damage than simple erosion. (I can send you photos if you
wish.) But no one I have shown it too can figure it out (including my
neighbor who is an egineer in the municipal water industry). I'm
probably more worried about the sludge at this point, since the piping
I replaced shows no signs of wear so far. I haven't had it tested,
but I assume the sludge is some sort of calcium and/or potassium
carbonate - the hot water outlet at the top of the heater was clean,
but the recirc piping, which feeds back into the tank drain, was full
of it.