Hello filmgirl,
I found two such incidents in Bavaria at the outbreak of World War II,
although I would guess that there were others as well.
"In the summer of 1939, at the Bavaria studios, work started on the
film 'Zwischenfall im Weltraum' (Incident in Space), under the
direction of R A Stemmle. At the same time the Ufa studios
(Babelsberg) began the shooting of 'Weltraumschiff 18' (Spaceship 18),
director Eduard von Borsody. Both projects were cancelled due to the
outbreak of the war, but material already shot - probably from
'Zwischenfall', but maybe from both films - was used for the
production of a short film 'Weltraumschiff 1 startet' (Spaceship 1
Launches), with the nominal director being Anton Kutter. The resulting
film was a special effects landmark but only 20 minutes long"
In 1957, "the footage from 'Weltraumschiff 1 startet' was reused by
Fred Ladd, owner of a small New York company called Radio & Television
Packagers. Seeking to cash in on the post-Sputnik space boom, Ladd
produced The Space Explorers 'in collaboration with the Hayden
Planetarium of New York' to teach the youth of America the
fundamentals of astronomy. The ten six-minute segments were syndicated
to local children's programs across the US and made a powerful
impression on a generation of space-crazy youngsters."
In addition, the outbreak of World War II resulted in the cancellation
of the first occurrence of a famous film festival: "The first Cannes
Film Festival opened on 1 September, 1939, but had to be cancelled
after the opening night celebrations due to the outbreak of World War
II. The first successful event was held seven years later in 1946,
however the two subsequent festivals in 1948 and 1950 were cancelled
due to lack of funding."
Search strategy: I did three separate searches combining one of the
terms "movie", "film" and "filming" with "cancelled" "due to" "war" |