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Avg. life expectancy/morbidity of male doctors in U.S., states, countries
Category: Health Asked by: arjund-ga List Price: $25.00 |
13 Jan 2003 16:32 PST
Expires: 12 Feb 2003 16:32 PST Question ID: 142255 |
1) First off, I'd like to find out what the mean life expectancy of male physicians is in the United States (and, if possible, the standard deviation). I've seen 58 a few times, but the statistic was uncited. 2) Furthermore, if possible, I'd like to find out the same sort of statistic broken down by country worldwide (e.g., avg. lifespan of male doctors in Italy, or the U.K., etc.), and finally, broken down by state in the U.S. itself. 3) Lastly, if morbidity (and nature thereof) figures can be found for the above geographical breakdowns for male physicians, that would be wonderful. I'd really appreciate the help! Best, Arjun |
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Re: Avg. life expectancy/morbidity of male doctors in U.S., states, countries
From: ragingacademic-ga on 13 Jan 2003 17:39 PST |
arjund - The major source for statistics on life expectancy and morbidity in the US is the NCHS. NCHS (National Center for Health Statistics) Latest life tables http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr50/nvsr50_06.pdf The NCHS tracks morbidity by occupation, but not life expectancy. I was not able to locate an alternative source for the data you are seeking, but I have no doubt that the mean life expectancy for physicians in the US is far closer to the overall average which is currently about 76. Given the large number of physicians (several hundred thousand), their statistical distribution must be approximately normal. thanks, ragingacademic |
Re: Avg. life expectancy/morbidity of male doctors in U.S., states, countries
From: arjund-ga on 14 Jan 2003 13:09 PST |
In regards to your point, "ragingacademic," one would figure the statistical distribution of male physicians' lifespans would be approximately a normal distribution, all things being equal. However, I'm not sure they are, which is why I posed the question in the first place. I've been told by someone who works for a large HMO that the mean life expectancy for male physicians in the U.S. is 58, and also seen this elsewhere (both times unsupported by data or analysis). The reason given was the stressful and otherwise unhealthy lifestyle often shared by most male doctors. I wanted to verify/refute this claim, and also explore the idea a bit further with hard data/analysis. I'd briefly paged through some vital statistics at the NCHS previously, and found studies of the changes in life expectancy as linked with physicians who smoke tobacco, but oddly enough, no aggregate such figures for male physicians. In any case, any help would be appreciated. |
Re: Avg. life expectancy/morbidity of male doctors in U.S., states, countries
From: pafalafa-ga on 14 Jan 2003 13:36 PST |
No definitive, recent info for you, but I thought the following article from a few years back might be of interest (I've quoted only a bit of it here): http://www.ncahf.org/nl/1996/3-4.html "Maverick veterinarian Joel Wallach is selling video and audio tapes titled Dead Doctors Don't Lie! proclaiming that physicians have a life expectancy of only 58 years. This sends the message that doctors are so wrongheaded that they themselves live significantly shorter lives than the general population. It is not clear where Wallach gets his data, but it is a lie. Physicians have long had life expectancies that are longer than the general population. Goodman [1] reviewed reports on physician life expectancies in 1925, 1938-42, 1949-51, and 1971. His study covered the 1971 population of 344,823 physicians, and the deaths of 19,086 from 1969 through 1973. He found that both male and female physicians had greater life expectancy than the general population." "The American Medical Association's Center For Health Care Policy published data on the life expectancies of U.S. medical graduate physicians by specialty in 1988. [2] It showed that the life expectancy of physicians is somewhere between 75 and 88, depending upon the age and gender that one chooses" |
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