Hello curious22-ga,
According to "The Dead Rock Stars Club" website
(http://users.efortress.com/doc-rock/1990.html), Chris Bender was shot
to death, November 3, 1991. I was unable to find the location of his
death or any additional details.
Although I was unable to find a second source to confirm this
information, I believe that the fact that he is dead can be concluded
from the many comments referring to his untimely death made in the
customer reviews of his album Draped which are posted at Amazon.com
One review is written by someone that appears to be a relative of
Chris Benders:
I just want to say that it touches my heart to know that people still
enjoy Chris' music after so long, and still speak of the great talent
that he possessed. His passing was definately a shock for his family
and he is definately missed and thought of everyday when I look into
his daughters eyes.
It's so funny because I just happened to be browsing the site at the
recommendation of a vendor and he mentioned that they sell old albums,
so I said let me look to see if Chris' album is on here and sure
enough it was. I am pleasantly surprised. Also I would just like to
mention he does have more stuff it's just not published.
I hope you have found this information helpful.
Google search terms:
"chris bender" draped
"chris bender" singer
chris bender death
chris bender death 1991
://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&safe=off&q=%93chris+bender%94+death+1991&btnG=Google+Search |