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Q: Newspaper Article About Teddy Bear Repair Shop In Ohio ( Answered 4 out of 5 stars,   1 Comment )
Subject: Newspaper Article About Teddy Bear Repair Shop In Ohio
Category: Reference, Education and News > Consumer Information
Asked by: cluth-ga
List Price: $50.00
Posted: 15 Jan 2003 00:58 PST
Expires: 14 Feb 2003 00:58 PST
Question ID: 142909
I read an article in the Life section of the Anchorage Daily News
somewhere between six months and two years ago about a shop owned by a
woman in Ohio who repairs teddy bears. I called the Daily News and
they said that it was a syndicated story, and they don't archive those
on their website (, and I really don't feel like going
through a year and a half's worth of print archives to find it.
I've searched the Internet for bear repair shops and many come up, but
I really want to find the one mentioned in that article. I know it's a
long shot, but if I could find that article again, I would be really
happy. It was a syndicated article, so I know that it was published
more than just in Anchorage. I'd know the article if I saw it (in
print format - it had a picture, too, or even if I just re-read it).
Just to help narrow it, I'm 95% sure the article was printed during
the school year (end of August to end of May-I think I saw it in a
paper at school). My gut also tells me that it may have been in or
around December-ish...?
Subject: Re: Newspaper Article About Teddy Bear Repair Shop In Ohio
Answered By: serenata-ga on 15 Jan 2003 01:50 PST
Rated:4 out of 5 stars
Hi Cluth-ga !

I remember the article, too! For two reasons, though. The first was
that I was impressed with how someone was doing something she loved on
the Internet and was making a living at it. In fact, she had gotten a
lot of national attention ... it was a nice change from the doomsayers
at the time.

You are so right - the article was indeed around Christmas. In my
case, in January 2001, just after Christmas.

The site you're looking for is Hanna Bruce's Hanna's Teddy Bear
Hospital in Garfield Heights, Ohio. While I couldn't find the archived
syndication copy, there is a reference on Hanna's site to the article
first being local and then going national.

The site at

Reference to the article going national is on the Hanna Bruce site at
this page:

Search terms I used: 

news articles teddy bear hospital
news teddy bear hospital
news ohio teddy bear hospital

The above produced results from newspapers all over the country (from
North Carolina to California), but every click showed those links were
no longer on the newspapers' sites or they were archived so deep in
the paper I couldn't retrieve them.

I did remember Hanna's first name and found the site using

Hanna* teddy bear hospital

And double checking, I looked at all the other results for:

Ohio teddy bear repair
Ohio teddy bear hospital
Ohio stuffed animal repair

They turned up some interesting results about teddy bear repair
businesses who referred to the article about Hanna's Teddy Bear
Hospital on their own sites.

Thanks for asking, it was fun tracking it down and was more fun to see
the site again.

cluth-ga rated this answer:4 out of 5 stars and gave an additional tip of: $5.00
I am so thankful! Thank you, thank you! I didn't give five stars
because the researcher couldn't give me the archived article itself,
but that doesn't really matter because I was looking for the store,
not the article.

Subject: Re: Newspaper Article About Teddy Bear Repair Shop In Ohio
From: juggler-ga on 15 Jan 2003 01:52 PST
The article is in the Akron Beacon Journal archive:,E&p_text_date-0=2001&p_perpage=10&p_sort=YMD_date:D&xcal_useweights=no
Shortened version:

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