Dear Games Theory,
There are several ways to find people willing to translate a work from
or into German. If you need translatros from German, you need
native-English speakers, who have command on the German language.
German speakers who have fluent English would also do, but the it is
preferred that the translation would be done by someone fluent in the
language, to which the text is translated.
Finding these people might not be such a demanding task. You could
find them in academic institutions (German departments, etc.), or in
newsgroups. If you don't mind sending the material (or scans of it)
through email and getting results from people outside London, you
might even get more answers.
Goethe Institut, which is the German equivalence to the "British
Council", is located in
50 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road
London SW7 2PH
Tel: 020-7596 4000
Fax: 020-7594 02
You could place an ad there, and may find plenty of Brits who could
translate from German.
DAAD London, is the German Academic exchange programme. You could find
there German students studying in London as well as Britons who would
like to study in Germany:
34 Belgrave Square,
GB - London SW1X 8QB
Telephone (0044/20) 7235 1736
The German Historical Institute also hosts people who are insterested
in the German culture:
17 Bloomsbury Square
London WC1A 2NJ
Tel. +44-(0)20-7404 5486
FAX +44-(0)20-7404 5573
Several colleges have also a German department, with students who
might be eager to demonstrate a knowledge in German:
Department of German, King's College London,
Strand, London WC2R 2LS
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7848 2124; Fax: +44 (0) 20 7848 2089
Royal Holloway, University of London
Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX
Tel/Fax : +44 (0)1784 434455/437520
University College London -
Sue Jones/Heidi Berry
Department of German
University College London
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT
World-Wide Web:
Telephone +44 020 7679 7120
Fax +44 020 7813 0168
Queen Mary and Westfield College,
London E1 4NS
tel:+44 20 7882 3335
fax:+44 20 8980 5400
Translators online:
Newsgroups on which you could offer a job for a translator:
German Newspapers to advertise in: - for students and young people in Berlin - same
German newsgroups -
I hope that answered your question. Finding someone who'd work for a
low fee is not easy, especially in London, but I hope you would find
someone with the addresses given to you. If you need any clarification
on this answer, please let me know. I'd be pleased to clarify the
answer before you rate it. |