I am trying to use getty in Red Hat Linux 7.1, which does not provide
the getty program in the sbin directory.
Please tell me what to do. Purpose of getty is to be able to talk with
a terminal.
Need hand holding for each step. Terminal used is Wyse 150. |
Request for Question Clarification by
15 Jan 2003 15:24 PST
But there's /sbin/agetty
Hav eyou tried it.
Request for Question Clarification by
15 Jan 2003 15:25 PST
Is this what you're looking for?
Clarification of Question by
15 Jan 2003 20:52 PST
My customer wants to use getty in the following way by having a line
in the inittab file such as
s0:23456:/sbin/getty ttyM0 DT19200 wy60
If agetty can do the same thing, please show me:
(a)How to use agetty(please show the line equivalent to the above
getty line)
(b)where the agetty documentation is(I can not find it from the Red
Hat 7.1 manual CD ROM). I used the command 'locate agetty' and got no
useful informations on how to understand or use agetty.
Request for Question Clarification by
15 Jan 2003 22:28 PST
Have you try:
> man agetty
It has the same syntax as getty:
agetty <line> <rate> <termtype>
s0:23456:/sbin/agetty ttyM0 DT19200 wy60
Also, try doing a search on getty or agetty on the net--Google engine is best
when it comes to technical stuff. There are several varieties of getty:
getty, getty_ps, mgetty, vgetty, agetty, ...
Also, you can even run (a)getty on your Windows--it's part of the
cygwin package (www.cygwin.com) along with the source code (which
mean you can essentially run it on any OS--even Macintosh--
if you take the time to compile it.
Is this good enough for you? Please let me know. Thanks.
Clarification of Question by
16 Jan 2003 05:17 PST
Yes. The answer is enough. Will ask another new question if needed.
Thank you very much.