This information is easily available through subscriber databases such
as Factiva and CRSP. However the licenses I have for those do not
allow me to publish the results. So I will show you how you can
recreate the results using freely available information on the web.
Step 1 - get the tickers for the 500 constituents of the S&P 500 :
Standard and Poors 500
(to download list of 500 companies on the S&P 500 as of 12/31/02)
A direct link to the file I use is
Search Strategy :
s&p 500 companies
Step 2 - get the total return for each constitutent :
Many sites, such as yahoo finance and business week will give you
current and historical stock prices. With this information and
dividend information you can calculate total returns. But it is better
if you can actually get total returns for 2002 directly. has this information.
For example 3M (MMM) :
The return is 6.4%
Step 3 - repeat for all 500 stocks!
So we have :
MMM : 3M Company : 6.4%
ABT : Abbott Labs : -26.7%
ACE : ACE Limited : -26.9%
ADCT: ADC Telecoms : -54.6%
ADBE: Adobe Systems: -20.0%
etc. etc.
Alternatively, given that we are still in the first month of 2003, we
can use the following article from Business Week magazine online :
BW 50 / S&P 500 Scoreboard
The column Total Return (1 year) % currently gives the total return
for 1/1/02 through 12/31/02.
(Note: if you download this after Feb 1, 2003 you will get the 1 year
performance for 2/1/02 through 1/31/03)
For copyright reasons, I can't paste the entire article here, but you
can copy and paste each of the 20 pages into excel, trim off the title
rows and combine it into a single table.
Glad I could help.
calebu2-ga |