Hi cvcope-ga,
Thanks for your question.
There has been some research done on this subject. I've endeavored to
find some scholarly as well as some less clinical material for you. On
the whole, the conventional wisdom that concrete is more damaging than
asphalt as a running surface seems to be correct.
"The forces generated at heel strike are dissipated through the
musculoskeletal system. Harder surfaces result in increased pounding
and subsequent deleterious effects." Because of this, something like
concrete is far less forgiving than asphalt.
Running Injuries -- Starting Off on the Right Foot -- Part II
According to an article in "Men's Fitness," a clinical study found
that improper running surfaces were one of the five leading causes of
injury. What may be of interest more specifically, is that depending
on the type of running one does, the types of muscles that are
problematic or the types of injuries that one is prone to, a running
surface that is inappropriate for one person is suitable for another.
Concrete, however, has nothing to recommend itself for except safety
and smoothness.
Two of the podiatrists quoted in the article believe that "the ideal
surface is smooth and moderately (but not too) soft, and the worst is
rock hard, like concrete, or irregular, like the gravelly shoulder of
a crowned or banked road." There is also a chart provided of an
assortment of running surfaces with their pros and cons.
"Ground Rules: Limit the Risk of Injury and Keep Your Cardio Efforts
Going Full Steam Ahead by Picking the Right Running Surface Every
Time," by Bob Cooper. Men's Fitness, June 2002.
According to an article in "The Physician and Sportsmedicine,"
"Running on rigid surfaces can impose stress on the body and can
result in injuries." Too soft a surface (their example was sand) is
not advisable either. Asphalt allows "good foot control and provides
even terrain."
"A Hard Look at Running Surfaces," by Robert D. Chadbourne. The
Physician and Sports Medicine, vol. 18, issue 7, pp 102-106, July
Dr. John Pagliano (the podiatrist quoted in the Men's Fitness article
above), who also coauthored a scholarly article on Illiotibial Band
Syndrome) comes down against concrete, saying that "if you switch to
softer surfaces, you can cut your injury risk by 50%." In this
particular article, the magazine rates ten running surfaces (1 being
worst/10 being best)--I realize your question is specific to street
running, but I'm including all of the surfaces here in case it's of
Asphalt: 6
Cinders: 7.5
Concrete: 1
Dirt: 8
Grass: 9.5
Sand: 4
Snow: 2.5
Track (referring to synthetically made tracks): 7
Treadmill: 6.5
Wood Chips: 9
"Judging a Path by It's Cover: Not All Running Surfaces Are Created
Equal," by Marc Bloom. Runner's World, vol. 32, issue 3, pp 54-58,
March 1997.
A softer running surface may help prevent ITB or Illiotibial Band
Band Aid
This may be of interest, although the study did not look at concrete
specifically. A study published in 2000 for "Medicine & Science in
Sports & Exercise" compared three surfaces: conventional asphalt,
rubber-modified asphalt and an acrylic sports surface. The study did
find that there was "a clear mechanical difference in the impact
absorbing ability of the three sports surfaces."
"Surface Effects on Ground Reaction Forces and Lower Extremity
Kinematics in Running," by Sharon J. Dixon, Andrew C. Collop and Mark
E. Batt. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, vol. 32, issue 11,
November 2000, pp 1919-1926. PMID 11079523
And another abstract that might be of interest:
"The Biomechanics of Running on Different Surfaces," by R.V. Feehery,
Jr. Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery, vol. 3, issue 4, pp
649-659, October 1986.
Some of the above articles are not online for free. If you have access
to a large public or academic library, you may be able to obtain these
either through the library's collection or through Interlibrary loan.
Search strategy:
Google search:
running surfaces concrete
running surfaces injuries
running surfaces asphalt
PubMed search http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/
Also checked a few article databases
I hope this answers your question. If you require additional
information or if the links do not work, please ask for clarification
before rating my answer and I will do my best to assist you.
luciaphile-ga |
Clarification of Answer by
22 Jan 2003 14:47 PST
Hi cvcope-ga,
Ive done some additional research on your question.
There have been studies done that touch your topic; nothing additional
that I can find, however, is specific to shock transmission for a shod
runner comparing asphalt and concrete.
Recent clinical studies, however, have looked at the kinematic
adjustments runners make. That is, how runners adjust the stiffness
of their stance leg to accommodate surface stiffness during steady
state running.
Runners Adjust Leg Stiffnesss For Their First Step on a New Running
Surface, by D.P. Ferris, K. Liang and C.T. Farley. Journal of
Biomechanics, vol. 32, issue 8, pp. 787-794, August 1999.
What this suggests is that as runners adapt to whatever surface they
are running and lessening the ill effects that might otherwise be
expected from running on a harder surface, which would go to support
your hypothesis that there is no real difference.
Impacts and Kinematic Adjustments During an Exhaustive Run, by T.R.
Derrick, D. Dereu, and S.P. McLean. Medicine & Science in Sports &
Exercise, vol. 34, issue 6, pp. 998-1002, June 2002.
The Dixon study (comparing artificial sports surfaces) offers the
conclusion that more research is needed before generalizations about
the effects on sports surfaces on lower extremity kinematics.
Surface Effects on Ground Reaction Forces and Lower Extremity
Kinematics in Running," by Sharon J. Dixon, Andrew C. Collop and Mark
E. Batt. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, vol. 32, issue 11,
November 2000, pp 1919-1926. PMID 11079523
I would also like to add that there are variables that need to be
taken into considerationthe quality and the running shoe for