Hi there tami,
I think you'll find that there are a lot of different aspects to the
effects of recycling on the environment. These can range from effects
on soil, water, and air quality to the ability to use areas more
easily because of recycling. One good idea might be to look at the
amount of paper you use (yourself, your family, your class) and think
about how much volume that adds to the local landfill. How would not
dumping that paper, but recycling it instead, change the environment?
You could estimate how much paper your town uses, and figure out how
much of a difference recycling would make. I'm listing below some
resources that I think will help you come up with something you'll
find interesting:
Science Fair Fun: Designing Environmental Science Fair Projects
This 16 page PDF brochure from the US Environmental Protection Agency
has tips and steps for a variety of environmental science fair
experiments, including recycling.
Science Fair Projects Index: Recycling
These are suggestions for science fair projects compiled by the
Columbus Library.
The Internet Consumer Recycling Guide
Science Fair Project Ideas: Recycling Paper
(This is also the one that pinkfreud found)
ScienzFair Ideas: Environmental Science
101Science.com: Science Project Ideas
These and other sites were found by doing a Google search for the
search question "science fair projects" recycling.
Good luck with your project!
librariankt |