Request for Question Clarification by
16 Jan 2003 19:22 PST
I want to bring to your attention a page that might be of enormous
interest to you, given your focus on air and space related education
NASA has a detailed 19-page financial summary of all its educational
programs at:
which includes the following:
--of their total FY02 budget of $142.6 million for educational and
academic programs, $118.1 million went to the Goddard Space Flight
Center; the second largest recipient got a paltry $5 million in
--3,654,916 people were involved in NASA educational activities (these
are not broken out by individual centers, but clearly Goddard gets the
lion's share, given their budget); they are involved in 7,094
alliances with other institions.
The report gives breakdowns of, e.g., teachers vs students, K-12
schools, etc.
They spent $20.0 million on student support programs.
There's lots more. I'm not posting this as an answer, since it is not
specific to Goddard, and it doesn't address all your questions.
However, if you're interested in having me prepare a more
comprehensive summary of the report, let me know, and I'll post it as
an answer.