Dear Matteoc,
The motorcycle is a Norton Commando 850cc from '74, that was owned
(and maybe is still owned) by Mr. Reeves. Bikes are apparently Keanu's
hobby and he also owns others. Many Keanu fan-sites mention his love
for motorcycles and this motorcycle in particular:
Keanu Reeves~~ Top Floor (
-"Hobbies, hockey, his motorcycles, ballroom dancing, chess, horseback
riding ... Vehicle, 1996 black Porsche, 1974 Norton Combat
Keanu Reeves & Dogstar - Fan Homepage - Keanu Reeves
( - "He owns two Norton
KeanuWeb: Stats ( "Riding his 2
Norton Motorcycles: a 1974 Combat Commando 850 and a 1972 Commando
750, although he collided with a mountain once. This resulted into a
prominent scar that runs from his chest to his navel. It has been
reported that he also owns a Moto Guzzi and a dirt bike. He recently
bought a shiny black porsche breaking local speed limits."
Norton is a British vintage motorcycle, that has it own fan pages
See also Google Directory:
Search strategy: I began by searching the film's name, with the
addition "motorcycle". I searched also Google Groups
(, because I figured this is one of this things only
those who really dig bikes ought to know. I was not wrong: the answer
appeared at the newsgroup
(, and was later verified with
searches on this particular term (norton or "norton commando") with
Reeves' or the film's name.
I hope that answered your question. Please contact me if you need any
further clarifications on this answer. I'd be pleased to clarify my
answer before you rate it. |