The only way to change you listing is to edit your site title and/or
site description. To do this, you can use any html editor, such as
frontpage, dreamweaver, or notepad.
Between the <Head> and </Head> in your html code, just find the text
between <Title> and </Title>. This is your site's title, Simply change
the text to what ever you want your site's title to be.
Now look for <meta name="description" content="You will see some text
here">. Simply change the text in the quotations to edit your site's
description. Most search engines use this to describe your site, but
Google does not. Google seems to pick up the first text on your web
page to use as the description. So be sure to place some informative
text at the top of your webpage.
After editing the html code, simply upload your site to your server
using any ftp program. Then you'll have to wait until Google
re-indexes your site, which could be a month or less.
Hope this Helps,
ajlnational |