Hello pjmulberry-ga,
According to an article in Racenews last April, "the world's richest
National Hunt race" is the (as of last year) $1.2 million Nakayama
Grand Jump.
"Newslink Archive: Sunday, April 14, 2002" [scroll down to "Australia
Wins Richest Jump Race"]
Similarly, a BBC Sport article from the same month described the
Nakayama Grand Jump as "the richest steeplechase race in the world".
"The Grand challenge" (April 6, 2002) [scroll down to "Nakayama Grand
BBC Sport
- justaskscott-ga
Search terms used on Google:
"richest national hunt race"
"nakayama grand jump" richest
[I tried searching for other terms, including "most valuable", but
these two searches were most successful.] |