I was unable to locate a template, as such, for creating
a regionalization guidelines document, however, there are
some examples available which can guide you in the content
to include.
As seen in the references I've found, I would recommend the
inclusion of the following items:
- DSCA Mission Statement
To include the year of inception/incorporation and status
(for profit or non-profit).
What is DSCA's mission, and what services/means does it use
to achieve its goals?
What alliances does it have with other organizations?
How does it attract membership, volunteers, contributions?
What are the educational initiatives in which the organization
is involved?
- Rationale for Regionalization
What are the advantages?
What needs are being met?
What long-term goals does this address?
- Regional Structuring and Operational Guidelines
Are the Regional organizations to be financially independent?
Are Regional affiliates able to have paid staff or should
it be restricted to volunteer services? If paid staff are
authorized, is there a recommended ratio of paid to volunteer
Is there financial support for startup costs and/or ongoing
operations? Should a regional affiliate plan to have independent
initial funding which will be matched by the national organization,
or how will that work? Are startup funds granted or loaned (should
the Affiliate expect to pay back the funds)?
Are membership dues to be collected? Will they be collected
locally, or nationally?
How will communication/coordination occur with the National
Organization, once the affiliate is established? How much dialog
is recommended/required? Are there Reporting Requirements?
Will there be national conferences or other supportive events?
What are the guidelines for submitting a proposal to become
a regional affiliate? To whom should a proposal be submitted?
What essential information should it include?
Possibilities include:
1. Name of Affiliate: e.g., DSCA-<region>.
2. Geographic territory covered.
3. Organizational structure Is the DSCA Charter founded on
a set of board/memberapproved by-laws? Is each Affiliates
organizational structure expected to adhere to the same or
similar principles of operation?
4. Officers -- i.e., Specify the officers that will constitute
the board (e.g., Chairperson, secretary, treasurer, etc.)
5. List of goals and objectives Must be consistent with the
mission statement and objectives of the DSCA Charter?
6. Minutes of the first organizational meeting, indicating
organizational business transacted.
7. List of initial members and their affiliations (can be those
attending the first meeting).
8. Proposed activities of the affiliate.
9. Proposed amount of annual membership dues.
10. Breakdown of costs associated with set-up of the Affiliate
11. Amount of matching funds provided by the Affiliate.
12. Amount of the requested support from DSCA.
Are national logos/graphics available? Required to be used?
Are there operational guidelines/Charter bylaws to be
implemented by a regional affiliate?
Assuming the regional affiliate provides membership information
to the National Organization, will the National Organization
follow up with mailing organizational/educational materials,
or will these be provided to the local affiliate to mail
independently. Is there a cost for these materials? Should
National Organization Stationery be used, or printed locally,
using provided logos?
Are newsletters available from the National level? At what
cost? How will they be made available? Should these be
supplemented by local newsletters?
Are there Evaluation Criteria for approving proposals from
Regional Applicants?
International Building Performance Simulation Association's
pdf file on regionalization:
Small Water Systems Regionalization Grant Program's pdf file,
from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection:
This should provide you with a good beginning to the
composition of your concept paper.
Please do not rate this answer until you are satisfied that
the answer cannot be improved upon by means of a dialog
established through the "Request for Clarification" process.
Searches done, via Google:
"regionalization proposal" guidelines
://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=%22regionalization+proposal%22+guidelines&btnG=Google+Search |