Clarification of Answer by
20 Jan 2003 09:08 PST
Hello poolhackers,
Most servers on the list above that lets you rent a dedicated server
and this will allow you to host AAO game. You will of course have to
configure it yourself by uploading the files and creating appropriate
permissions and rules for the people who will be playing on your
The best place to officially rent a server for this game appears to be
from the United States Army itself:
Here is some more information about this:
It means when you rent a server from, your
instance of America's Army: Operations will be running on the fastest
game server environment with the highest bandwidth available in the
world The servers available for renting can be Public Or Private
Servers for up to 20 players . is an authorized
service, approved by the U.S Army.
Source: Official Server Rentals
If you choose the above, you do not have to worry about uploading
server files and configuring your server. You will also undoubtedly
have better performance, a lower price and excellent tech support. The
Department of Defense has the luxury of not having to turn a profit
and as a result they have an excellent deal because they want people
to play the game. If you do rent another dedicated server, once you
have an admin account you will be ready to set up your server.
I have collected some links for on how to set up a server:
Server Setup: For First Time Admins
Running a Server quick and dirty
You can get technical support for free here:
If you are intent on renting a dedicated server, I recommend that you
first learn EVERYTHING there is to learn about setting up a server for
this game (and indeed set up one on your own computer first) before
trying to configure a server that you can only access through command
There are few services that are pre-set-up for this game. I found
this one, but cannot guarantee you anything about it. I am sure you
will still be required to configure everything.
INFO: This will cost you $7 a player. Click on the Americas Army
symbol to get started.
These guys seem to serve several Americas Army servers: You are still required to configure
everything on the server, although they do have free technical
I have done my best to help you answer the question as originally
asked. I know now that you were in fact looking for AAO servers, and
have done my best to come up with a secondary answer for you. I do
hope you understand though that the question changed entirely in the
clarification and that I will be unable to walk you through the
configuration of the actual server (I do not even have the experience
to do that). I do recommend that you use the official service, and if
that fails you can try renting a low cost dedicated server and learn
how to configure it. After that, you can move on to a better dedicated
server when you have learned the ropes. You will find that the
Technical Support from Americas Army is excellent if you run into any
There are probably some researchers here who are more familiar with
setting up a server like this and could perhaps walk you through and
recommend a dedicated provider for this game. If you do not have any
experience yet, there will indeed be a step learning curve. This game
is still fairly new and there will probably be some upcoming services
like the official one offered by the Department of Defense
but at
this point it seems you need to rent a dedicated gaming server and do
the configuring yourself.
All the best,