Hi fawn845-ga,
From the information that you have provided, it would appear that
the company's product is some sort of a browser plugin that hijacks a
users search to display affiliate pages.
Google's take on this matter has been clearly stated on their
"WebMaster Info" page :
- Google Information for Webmasters
( ://www.google.com/webmasters/seo.html )
It states :
"Some SEOs may try to sell you the ability to type keywords directly
into the browser address bar.
Most such proposals require users to install extra software, and
very few users do so. Evaluate such proposals with extreme care and be
skeptical about the self-reported number of users who have downloaded
the required applications."
So, although by buying the company's services, you would not be
violating Google's Terms of Services, you should still be cautious,
and check out the company's product thouroughly first.
In my opinion, most users would avoid installing a product that
hijacks their searches and takes them to other pages without any
choice. For eg., if I go to search on Google or Yahoo, it is because I
want to use their services, and I would not take kindly to some
softwares attempt to take me to a completely different page, without
giving me any choice in the matter. This may result in a loss of
goodwill for your company.
Also, please note that this software does not try to improve your
rankings on any search engine. From the info you have provided, it
appears that the software monitors text that the users types on a
webpage, and instead of allowing that text to be sent to a search
engine, directly sends the user to an affiliated page, completely
bypassing the search engines. This may have some privacy concerns.
Also make sure that the software being peddled by the company is
not one of the known search engine hijackers that surreptitiously
install themselves on a users computer without their permission. Some
known search engine hijackers are : Ezcybersearch, Browserwise,
Jethomepage, Netsearch, Lop.Com, EzSearchBar, acesea.net,
EzCybersearch, Gohip.com, CNSMin, HuntBar, Xupiter.
Try to do some online research on the company and the product,
before you make your final decision.
Hope this helps.
If you need any clarifications, just ask!
Google Search Terms Used : browser search hijack |