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Sympletic Geometry (for Idiots!)
Category: Science > Math Asked by: whack-ga List Price: $10.00 |
20 Jan 2003 17:24 PST
Expires: 19 Feb 2003 17:24 PST Question ID: 146229 |
Hello! I'm trying to find some "basic" information about sympletic geometry. I can barely find a definition of it that I can understand. Why does it only apply to even dimensions? How does it relate to physics? Please explain from a background of in-depth understanding rather than just searching the web--Thanks!! | |
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Re: Sympletic Geometry (for Idiots!)
Answered By: mathtalk-ga on 09 Feb 2003 11:31 PST Rated: ![]() |
Hi, whack-ga: I think the discussion of symplectic forms with a high-school student would go like this: You know that points in a plane can be identified by Cartesian coordinates: O = (0,0), P = (x_1,y_1), Q = (x_2,y_2), etc. Euclidean geometry studies quantities like length and angle that are "preserved" by "rigid motions" (rotation, reflection, translation). It turns out that the measurement of both length and angle can be algebraically defined in terms of a vector dot-product "*": Let u = [x_1 y_1] = vector OP and v = [x_2 y_2] = vector OQ both be non-zero. The dot-product is: u*v = (x_1)(x_2) + (y_1)(y_2). The distance from O to P is: ||u|| = sqrt( u*u ). The cosine of angle between OP and OQ is: ( u*v )/( ||u|| ||v|| ). Note that OP and OQ are perpendicular if and only if u*v = 0. For this reason we refer to dot-products being zero as an orthogonality condition. Symplectic geometry studies properties of a modified formula: u#v = (x_1)(y_2) - (x_2)(y_1). Note that while the dot-product u*v = v*u is _commutative_ , this modified formula is _anti-commutative_ , meaning that: u#v = - v#u Although not obvious, there is a geometric interpretation of this formula. It gives the "signed area" of the parallelogram generated by OP and OQ (the parallelogram with corner points O, P, P+Q, and Q). If the rotation from OP to OQ is positive (counterclockwise) and less than 180 degrees, we get a positive area. If the rotation is negative (clockwise) and less than 180 degrees, we get a negative area. Etc. This is a very simplified example of what symplectic geometry is about. Just as the "origin" in the Euclidean plane can be any point and we can pick coordinate axes through that point in infinitely many ways, the coordinates for a symplectic form can be those based around any point. The technical name for the sort of "space" made up of these points is a smooth manifold. Just as a closed surface such as a sphere or a donut generalizes the simple idea of a flat plane, so too do smooth manifolds generalize the higher dimensional spaces. Here's an outline of the general definition of a symplectic form. One has an bilinear "form" W defined at each point of a manifold, so that with respect to local "coordinates" there: W(u,v) = -W(v,u) [the anticommutative property] W varies continuously with the base point at which it is defined; that is, if O and O' are two very nearby points on the manifold, the versions of W defined at each of them are very nearly equal. There are two requirements on W( , ) that must be satisfied to make a symplectic form. The first called "nondegeneracy", and it means that for each nonzero u, there exists a nonzero v such that W(u,v) is nonzero. The nondegeneracy condition implies that the underlying manifold will have to be even dimensional, which is why we used the plane as an example above, rather than say three-dimensional space. The second condition required of a symplectic form is called being "closed". This is more technical and would require a deeper development of notation to explain properly. It has an analog in simple vector geometry called Jacobi's identity, concerning a triple sum of cross-products: Ax(BxC) + Bx(CxA) + Cx(AxB) = 0 [the Jacobi identity] For a non-technical (but not high school level either) discussion of these and other aspects of your subject, see this 1992 paper by Gotay and Isenberg: [The Symplectization of Science] http://www.math.hawaii.edu/~gotay/Symplectization.pdf regards, mathtalk-ga | |
rated this answer:![]() Thanks for all the time you spent with comments, also--The paper that you refer to has lots of great information, too! whack-ga |
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Re: Sympletic Geometry (for Idiots!)
From: jm7197-ga on 20 Jan 2003 21:33 PST |
These answers might lead you to more questions. Without knowing your level of math knowledge, I can only offer two answers (simple answer) or text-book definition). simple answer: Symplectic Geometry is a non-Euclidian geometry. The geometry most learn in junior high school and high school is Euclidean Geometry. You know, "parallel lines never meet". Other types of geometry such as spherical geometry states that "parallel lines always meet". text-book definition: A symplectic form on a smooth manifold M is a smooth closed 2-form "w" on "M" which is nondegenerate such that at every point "m", the alternating bilinear form on the tangent space is nondegenerate. A symplectic form on a vector space V over is a function f(x,y) (defined for all and taking values in ) which satisfies http://mathworld.wolfram.com/s3img3143.gif and http://mathworld.wolfram.com/s3img3149.gif. f is called non-degenerate if for all y implies that x = 0. Symplectic forms can exist on M (or V) only if M (or V) is even-dimensional. An example of a symplectic form over a vector space is the complex Hilbert space with inner product given by FYI, if interested, here are other forms of geometry. Absolute Geometry, Affine Geometry, Cartesian Coordinates, Combinatorial Geometry, Computational Geometry, Coordinate Geometry, Differential Geometry, Discrete Geometry, Enumerative Geometry, Finsler Geometry, Inversive Geometry, Kawaguchi Geometry, Minkowski Geometry, Nil Geometry, Non-Euclidean Geometry, Ordered Geometry, Plane Geometry, Projective Geometry, Sol Geometry, Solid Geometry, Spherical Geometry, Stochastic Geometry, Thurston's Geometrization Conjecture |
Re: Sympletic Geometry (for Idiots!)
From: mathtalk-ga on 21 Jan 2003 10:16 PST |
Hi, whack-ga: I'd love to help, but as Euclid is reported to have told King Ptolemy I of Egypt, "There is no royal road to geometry." [Euclid] http://fclass.vaniercollege.qc.ca/web/mathematics/people/euclid.htm Between where you are and a familiarity with applications of symplectic geometry in quantum physics there is a road, but it will not be possible to cover it for you in the space of a Google Answers textbox. I could explain in detail why odd dimensional manifolds cannot support a symplectic form, but you might be able to follow for yourself the proof (modelled along the lines of a Gram-Schmidt calculation) of the first theorem here: [Lectures on Symplectic Geometry by Ana Cannas da Silva] http://books.pdox.net/Math/Lectures%20on%20Symplectic%20Geometry.pdf which shows that as a corollary to a representation theorem for skew-symmetric bilinear forms. That on-line book (222 pages, takes a while to download even on my cable modem) seems to me an excellent resource, certainly for someone who wishes to recapitulate the classical Hamiltonian mechanics from a modern perspective. Other than providing a detailed explanation of the definition (which you may already feel comfortable with) and proof of the even dimensional part of your question, I doubt that I can help. There are some on-line courses and other educational programs that you should consider if you wanted to make the investment in learning this material. This site in particular, about an on-line course taught at the University of Houston, seems aimed at engineers with a background similar to yours: [CSDC: Applications of Exterior Differential Forms] http://www.uh.edu/~rkiehn/ed3/ed3homep.htm The author provides an email address which you might use to contact him about the availability of the class, although his lecture notes are available on-line for independent study. He also has this PDF file on a related subject: [CSDC: Hamiltonian Extremal and Symplectic Physics] http://www22.pair.com/csdc/ed3/ed3fre12.htm For researchers with a more advanced background, there is this semester long symposium-style program starting in March 2003: [IPAM: Symplectic Geometry and Physics] http://www.ipam.ucla.edu/programs/sgp2003/ regards, mathtalk-ga |
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