hi bella_aria, (...'Giovanni' ???)
Last week on tv they showed the James Bond film, "Tomorrow Never
Dies", and I remembered the clip where Bond activates and drives his
car by remote control in the parking lot, using his 'modified'
Ericsson mobile phone! Just for fun, here's a pic of the scene in the
I have found several products designed to help one to locate their car
(though perhaps not quite as sophisticated as 'Q's gadgetry)
Vehicle Seek/Find Locator
"The Vehicle Seek/Find Locator is a unique device that helps you spot
your car in seconds so you can quickly be on your way home. It
consists of a small transmitter, similar to a remote garage door
opener, that can be carried in your purse or pocket while away from
the car.
When you're ready to find your car, just push the button on the
transmitter which sends an electronic signal to the car. Next, listen
for your car's horn and watch for the bright light flashing just above
your car's roof, which guides you directly to your car from up to 1/4
mile away (this range can be increased). If you're in an enclosed
parking structure and hear the horn, but don't see the light, then you
know you're on wrong floor. Thus, it also directs you to the correct
Inventor is seeking:
Licensee to manufacture and distribute the product.
Note: Product is patented.
Contact: John Bullock
Title: Inventor/Patentee
Organization: JB's Car Finder Corporation
Address: 6129 Burnt Hills Drive Las Vegas, NV 89130
Phone: 702 396-0043
e-mail: pjbull@lvcm.com
Digital Parking Timer
"You never need to worry when and where you park your car again.
This little gadget will always remind you before the parking meter
runs out. To help you find your car again, this little gadget can
store the level, row and space where you parked. It has a big bold,
easy to read L.C.D. screen for when your ready to retrieve your car."
Price: £12.95
Meter Made (temporarily unavailable)
"Can’t find your car in the supermarket parking lot again? You better
get the Parking Caddy ($19.99@ www.parkingcaddy.com ), a little gadget
guaranteed to save you time and face. The less nerdy alternative to
tying a bright-colored ribbon to your SUV’s antenna in a crowded
parking lot, this electronic device allows you to program the lot
number, level, row, direction and exact spot of your parked car in
seconds. Its egg-shaped, palm-sized frame easily slips into your
pocket or attaches to your key chain. The Parking Caddy even
synchronizes with your parking meter—so you know exactly when to feed
the metal monster more quarters."
Smart Alarm Professional Series (with Car Finder feature)
"Summary: The first alarm designed to protect you and your car.
How It Works: There are three color coded buttons on the transmitter.
The GREEN button locks and unlocks the doors. The RED button controls
the CarFinder and panic alarm. The YELLOW button controls the
headlights remotely and opens the trunk.
Protects You
* Panic Alarm: lets you call for help in unsafe situations.
* Remote Headlight Control: lights the way to your car at night.
* Anti carjacking feature
* CarFinder®: helps you to find your car in large parking lots or
crowded areas. "
Online Price:$69.95
Search strategy:
-- Keywords used (www.Google.com)
"find your car" "parking lot"
invention "find your car"
"find your car device"
gadgets "find your car"
I hope you find the above information useful.
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--chow bella! |