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Q: Modification of CGI-Proxy (PERL) ( No Answer,   0 Comments )
Subject: Modification of CGI-Proxy (PERL)
Category: Computers > Programming
Asked by: pcdivenii-ga
List Price: $50.00
Posted: 21 Jan 2003 15:34 PST
Expires: 29 Jan 2003 09:18 PST
Question ID: 146715
I am using James Marshall's CGI-Proxy

I would like to use the script to specifically replace the following
JavaScript in all HTML pages processed through the CGI-Proxy:


I do not want to disable JavaScript entirely in the post-processed
HTML pages, I just want to get rid of the above JavaScript and
anything that accomplishes its function.

How exactly would I go about adding this filtering element to the
CGI-Proxy script? Where and how can I do this in the script?

I am looking for someone who can simply modify the script for this purpose.

Thank you!

Any questions, please e-mail to:


Request for Question Clarification by studboy-ga on 21 Jan 2003 19:33 PST
Hi, try doing it before, in, or after proxify_html at line 1540:

Try this--

if ( $is_html  && ($body ne '') && !$response_sent ) {

    $body=~ s/if(parent.frames.length!=0)top.location='whatever.html';//g;

    $body= &proxify_html(\$body, 1) ;

    # Change Content-Length header, since we changed the content
    $headers=~ s/^Content-Length:.*\012/
		 'Content-Length: ' . length($body) . "\015\012"/mie ;

Request for Question Clarification by studboy-ga on 21 Jan 2003 19:33 PST
Let me know if it works.  Thanks.
There is no answer at this time.

The following answer was rejected by the asker (they received a refund for the question).
Subject: Re: Modification of CGI-Proxy (PERL)
Answered By: studboy-ga on 23 Jan 2003 22:37 PST
The line of Javascript can be removed by doing a regular expression
substitution right before the response is sent back to the user--
ie, add the line 

$body=~ s/if(parent.frames.length!=0)top.location='whatever.html';//g;

to line 1540 to make it look like this:

if ( $is_html  && ($body ne '') && !$response_sent ) { 
    # remove the line of Javascript
    $body=~ s/if(parent.frames.length!=0)top.location='whatever.html';//g; 
    $body= &proxify_html(\$body, 1) ; 
    # Change Content-Length header, since we changed the content 
    $headers=~ s/^Content-Length:.*\012/ 
   'Content-Length: ' . length($body) . "\015\012"/mie ;

Request for Answer Clarification by pcdivenii-ga on 23 Jan 2003 23:44 PST
This is just going to remove anything that has that EXACT
characterization, correct?

It will only scan for and remove this VERY same line?:

$body=~ s/if(parent.frames.length!=0)top.location='whatever.html';//g;

In addition, it will only remove it points to "whatever.html" as well?

How can I make this more dynamic?

Request for Answer Clarification by pcdivenii-ga on 23 Jan 2003 23:50 PST
*WHEN it points...

Request for Answer Clarification by pcdivenii-ga on 24 Jan 2003 00:46 PST
The above, using that same exact line did not work either, unfortunately.

Clarification of Answer by studboy-ga on 24 Jan 2003 01:04 PST
Dear pcdivenii-ga 

Yes, in your original question you didn't specify you need a dynamic solution--but
You can make it more dynamic by use of regular expressions--
for example--the following is a lot more dynamic and it will tolerate
white spaces between the words:

$body=~ s/\s*if\s*(parent.frames.length\s*!\s*=\s*0)\s*top.location\s*=\s*'.*';//g;

Please give this one a try.


If it
Reason this answer was rejected by pcdivenii-ga:
Unfortunately, studboy-ga was unable to fulfill my request. The
answer, and then clarification, did not work at all. It was thoroughly
tested on my own server.

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