Hi marrett88-ga,
For deploying Data Access pages over the Internet, you have to
configure your setting to support 3 tier data access. Also, a lot of
configuration has to be done on the webserver on which the pages and
the database reside.
The following MS KnowledgeBase Article provides step by step
instructions on how you can do this :
- Article 291783: How to Deploy Data Access Pages over the
( http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=KB;en-us;q291783
You can find a comprehensive instructions and an in-depth discussion
on this topic in the following (40 page!) MSDN Library Article :
- MSDN Library: Deploying Data Access Pages on the Internet or
Your Intranet
by Mark Roberts
( http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnacc2k2/html/deploydap.asp
This article is a must read for anyone thinking of deploying
DAPs over the Internet.
In your case, I recommend that you reconfigure your setting following
the step by step guidelines provided in the MS KnowledgeBase
Article(linked above).
From the information you have provided, it appears that you have setup
the Remote Data Services(RDS) correctly. However, you make no
references to whether you have configured Folder and File permissions
and Anonymous Access on the webserver or not. Please configure your
settings as per the MSKB article and tell me if it works or not.
Another thing you need to be aware of, are the software requirements
for the computer on which you want to view these Data Access Pages.
The client machine needs to have the following installed :
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or later
- Microsoft Office Web Components (for pages created with Access
- Microsoft Office XP Web Components (for pages created with Access
2002). To find out more about them, check out the following MSKB
Article :
- Article 288729: General Information About Licensing
and Using Office XP Web Components
( http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;288729
Also make sure that your webserver( which hosts the DAP pages) and
your database server(which hosts the database) meet the following
requirements :
Web Server Requirements:
- Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0 or later
- Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.1 or later (for pages
created with Access 2000)
- Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.5 or later (for pages
created with Access 2002)
Database Server Requirements:
- Microsoft Jet Database Engine 4.0for pages that use three-tier
data access to work with data stored in an Access back-end database
- Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 or laterfor pages that use data stored
in a SQL Server backend database.
For more information on the above requirements, I highly recommend
that you check out the MSDN Library Article linked above.
Hope this helps.
If you need any clarifications, just ask!
Google/Google Groups Search Terms Used :
"data access pages" error blank fields over the internet
"Data Access Pages" blank message box error internet
"Data Access Pages" work on Intranet update remote database over
internet |
Request for Answer Clarification by
24 Jan 2003 07:26 PST
The data entry forms appears on theInternet.However, the Navigation
bar is disabled.
I have followed all the points mentioned in the articles referred.
What else needs to be done ?
Clarification of Answer by
24 Jan 2003 08:52 PST
Hi marrett88-ga,
Glad to know that you were able to get the page on the Internet.
Now lets tackle the latest problem. I visited your test page, but
since the machine I am working on does not have the Office XP Web
Components installed, I was unable to test it out. I am currently
downloading the Web Components from Microsoft's website, and will try
out your page once I have them installed.
An idea you can check out in the meantime, is to check whether the
client computer from which you are viewing the page, has Office XP
installed on it or not. From the Office XP Web Components Deployment
Guide :
"By default, if a user does not have Office XP, Access 2002, Excel
2002, or FrontPage 2002 installed on their computer, and the user
installs the Office Web Components, the user receives a Run-time
Static license for the Office XP Web Components. This means the user
can view the controls on a Web page but cannot interact with the
Apparently, if the user only has a Run-time Static licence, he/she
can only use the About and Help buttons on the component toolbar and
the rest are disabled. You can read more information on this problem
and its work around from :
- Article 288732: Deploy the Office XP Web Components in an
Office Program
( http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;288732
Hope this helps.
I will check out your test page as soon as I can, and post any new
clarification here.
Something you should be aware of : The original version (pre SP2) of
the Office XP Web Components contain three security vulnerabilities.
Since you are deploying these controls on the Internet, you might want
to upgrade to the updated versions of the Web Components.
For more information :
- Microsoft Security Bulletin MS02-044
( http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treeview/default.asp?url=/technet/security/bulletin/MS02-044.asp
You can download the updated components from :
- Office XP Tool: Web Components
( http://office.microsoft.com/downloads/2002/owc10.aspx )
Request for Answer Clarification by
25 Jan 2003 08:07 PST
Hi again
We doing the work using a subscription based MSDN , so we have a
licensed Office XP on the client system. However, we still cant get
the Navigation bar to work !!
Clarification of Answer by
25 Jan 2003 10:13 PST
Hi marrett88-ga,
Seems to be a database access problem. Please check that you have
the required permissions to add a new record to the database.
In your test() function, check if the value of
MSODSC.Currentsection is objTest is null before you try to use it.
Clarification of Answer by
25 Jan 2003 11:12 PST
Hi marrett88-ga,
I need you to clarify exactly what happens when you load up your
test page. The following is my experience :
- After installing the Office XP Web components, I loaded your
test page.
> A messagebox appears with the text "Testing..."
> After clicking Ok, another message box appears with the text
"Error Object required". These messages of course, are due to the code
in your test() function.
> Now the page appears. All the textboxes are empty. The
navigation bar items are NOT grayed out. They are all present, but
nothing happens on clicking them.
> When I click on the Add Record button, I get an empty
message box, with just the Ok button.
This is what I saw initially on your page. Just to make sure that
the problem was not caused due to MDAC errors, I downloaded and
installed MDAC 2.5 SP3 (2.53.6200.2) from :
- Microsoft Universal Data Access Download Page
( http://www.microsoft.com/data/download_25SP3.htm )
After the install and reboot, when I went to your page, this is what I
saw :
> A messagebox appears with the text "Testing..."
> After clicking Ok, another message box appears with the text
"Error Data connection does not exist...". These messages of course,
are due to the code in your test() function.
> Now the page appears. All the textboxes are filled with the
string '#Name'. The navigation bar items ARE grayed out(except the
help button).
> When I click on the Add Record button, I get a message box,
saying that since the recordset is set to readonly, I cannot add a new
As you can guess, I was pretty surprised by the changes in the
page caused by the MDAC installation. Suspecting that the previous
installation had gone bad, I re-ran the MDAc 2.5 SP3 installation
again and rebooted.
The page now returned to the initial view as detailed at the
begining. After multiple reboots, the page has remained the same, so
this page is what I am working on.
This is why it becomes necessary for you to detail what exactly
your clients see when they load this page and what messages they
receive, so I know that we are trying to solve the same problems. You
might also what to check the MDAC installations on your client
Clarification of Answer by
26 Jan 2003 06:23 PST
Hi marrett88-ga,
The Object required error in your page can be fixed by changing
your test() function. In it, you need to use the Set statement inorder
to assign the reference to the MSODSC.DataPage object. The assignment
becomes :
Set <variable> = MSODSC.<object name>
Also, try to find out that when we click Add Record, which line of
code throws the error. You can do this by inserting message boxes
above the lines of code.
Please try out the above suggestions and tell me the results. Also,
as detailed in my last posting, please tell me in exact detail, what
you see when you load your test page on the client machine.
Clarification of Answer by
26 Jan 2003 11:21 PST
Hi marrett88-ga,
Here is the code for your test() function that will give the
required results:
function test()
on error goto catcherror
msgbox "testing..."
dim objTest
set objTest=MSODSC.Currentsection
exit function
msgbox "error" & err.Description
end function
Then in the code for the onclick event, in the catch block, add the
error number also. The code becomes :
<SCRIPT event=onclick for=Command0 language=javascript>
try { if (MSODSC.CurrentSection == null)
MSODSC.CurrentSection.DataPage.NewRecord(); }
catch (e)
{ alert (e.number + " Description: " + e.description);}
Also, find out whether MSODSC.CurrentSection is null or not, when this
code executes.
Clarification of Answer by
27 Jan 2003 11:32 PST
Hi marrett88-ga,
You might also try to remove the line
from your test() function to see if it solves the error caused when we
click on the Add Record button.
Another thing to check is your database. Check that you have
vreated the required table with the relevant fields. MAKE SURE that
you have defined one of the fields as the Primary Key. Which field is
the Primary Key? Is the primary key autogenerated or does it have to
be entered by the user?
Awaiting your replies.
Request for Answer Clarification by
28 Jan 2003 06:59 PST
Thanks for the support so far.
The replies to the recent points are :
1. Set keyword has been used to assign the object to the variable.
When the Add Record button is clicked the line which causes error is
2. The vbscript code supplied is not working, The line on error goto
catcherror is causing a syntax error.
I have inserted code (Javascript) to display the error code and the
code returned was -2147418113
In the script (JavaScript) for onClick MSODSC.Currentsection is not
Null. Have inserted message boxes to make this clear.
3.objTest.Datapage.NewRecord() has been removed from the test()
function. This didnt have any effect on the error caused by the Add
Record button
Database has a Primary Key and it is Auto number and is auto
generated. The Primary key field is Invoice Detail ID.
Clarification of Answer by
29 Jan 2003 06:56 PST
Hi marrett88-ga,
Well, I'm back with my latest round of suggestions and questions.
- In your very first request for clarification you had said that
your navigation bar was disabled. Are the buttons grayed out? Or are
they normal but simply not working?
- You might want to try providing a downloadable licence for the
Office Web Components on your page. The steps are detailed here :
- Deploy the Office XP Web Components: Licensing
( http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;288732#6
- According to the MSDN Library, the NewRecord method fails if the
recordset cannot be updated. So, add the following code to your page,
instead of the current JavaScript code that fires on the onclick event
of Command0 button :
********** Begin Code ************
<script=event=onclick for=Command0 language=vbscript>
Dim strDBName, numRec
On Error Resume Next
' Database we are connected to
strDBName = GetConnectedDatabase
' Number of records in the database
numRec = MSODSC.CurrentSection.DataPage.Recordset.RecordCount
' Is current section Updateable ?
if SectionIsUpdateable(MSODSC.CurrentSection) = True then
strUpdate = "Can be Updated"
strUpdate = "Cannot be updated."
' Display results
MsgBox " Database : " & strDBName & vbcrlf _
& " Number Of Records : " & numRec _
& " Is Updateable? : " & strUpdate
' Handle Any Errors
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "The following Error has occured:" & vbcrlf _
"Number: " & Err.Number & vbcrlf _
"Description: " & Err.Description & vbcrlf _
"Source: " & Err.Source
End If
' try to add new record
' Check for errors
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "The following Error occured on NewRecord:" & vbcrlf _
"Number: " & Err.Number & vbcrlf _
"Description: " & Err.Description & vbcrlf _
"Source: " & Err.Source
End If
<script language=vbscript>
Sub SectionIsUpdateable(theSection)
SectionIsUpdateable = False
On Error Resume Next
' Banded pages aren't updateable.
If (MSODSC.GroupLevels(0).DataPageSize > 1) or _
(MSODSC.GroupLevels.count > 1) Then
MsgBox "Banded Pages are not updateable."
Exit Sub
' Now check if recordset itself is updateable.
Set rs = theSection.DataPage.Recordset
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "The following Error has occured on set rs:" & vbcrlf _
"Number: " & Err.Number & vbcrlf _
"Description: " & Err.Description & vbcrlf _
"Source: " & Err.Source
Exit Sub
end if
If Not rs.Supports(adUpdate) Then
MsgBox "Recordset does not support Updating!!"
Exit Sub
End If
If rs.Properties("Unique Table") = "" Then
MsgBox "No UniQue table!!"
Exit Sub
End If
' Catch assorted errors
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "The following Error has occured :" & vbcrlf _
"Number: " & Err.Number & vbcrlf _
"Description: " & Err.Description & vbcrlf _
"Source: " & Err.Source
Exit Sub
end if
SectionIsUpdateable = True
End Sub
********* End Code **********
Another thing you should test is whether you can read, update and
insert records into the database using SQL and ADO, as shown on the
following article :
- MSDN Library: Programming Data Access Pages
( http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnacc2k/html/programdap.asp
Look at the 'Dealing with Data' section to see what I mean.
Hope this helps.
Request for Answer Clarification by
31 Jan 2003 05:56 PST
We made som registry entries and things are working now
Thanks for all the support
Clarification of Answer by
31 Jan 2003 08:22 PST
Hi marrett88-ga,
Glad that you finally got it working! :-)
Thank you for using Google Answers.