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Q: Maintaining Transparency of a Graphic file after converting to Vector ( Answered,   1 Comment )
Subject: Maintaining Transparency of a Graphic file after converting to Vector
Category: Computers > Graphics
Asked by: dbky1-ga
List Price: $15.00
Posted: 22 Jan 2003 14:47 PST
Expires: 21 Feb 2003 14:47 PST
Question ID: 147183
Using Adobe PhotoShop, Streamline and  Illustrator, I am converting
and reading graphic files to make-ready to send to a commercial
printer. I need some to be transparent and I have done so in PS, but
after I convert to vector art in Streamline, the internal areas of the
artwork are no longer transparent, it becomes white. Like the inside of
a wheel or a doughnut, becomes white instead of transparent, while in
bitmap format, it is comepletely transparent. Am i missing an option
somewhere when making it transparent or vectoring?
Subject: Re: Maintaining Transparency of a Graphic file after converting to Vector
Answered By: maniac-ga on 22 Jan 2003 16:23 PST
Hello Dbky1,

From what I can find, it appears that Streamline does not work in the
way you think it does. The following discussion at Adobe's user to
user site
describes the way that objects are converted. To quote...

  "So essentially you end up with a black circle then a white circle
placed on top of the black circle. This is why you are seeing what
appears to be another layer."

This was in response to a user's question about how the image
"changed" (turned black) when they selected a portion of the image.
This sounds like the same symptom you are having. You may also get a
"better answer" from that user to user forum as well.

Now that I think about this more fully, it might be possible to treat
your "doughnut" as a "C" (with the edges of the C pulled close
together) to get the right effect, but I can't confirm that would
work. I can also see that it may introduce artifacts you don't want

A few other good references include:
About half way down it notes that white may not be transparent.

References to free (or low cost) tools that may do the equivalent
see Autotrace, Kvec; others may be OK as well (e.g., conversions to
SVG). If one of these work, you should be able to get the converted
file back into the Adobe tools.

Good search phrases include:
  streamline convert vector graphics transparent
which provided the references I provided (as well as several others).

If this does not give you a solution to the problem, please ask in a
clarification request so I can dig some more information out for you.

Request for Answer Clarification by dbky1-ga on 22 Jan 2003 17:46 PST
I appreciate it, but I dont think it is addressing my issue of
transparency, where after converting to a vector format, internal
areas of the object loose transparency that it previously had as a
bitmap object. The background area is still transparent.

Clarification of Answer by maniac-ga on 22 Jan 2003 19:48 PST
Hello Dbkyl,

The point I was trying to make is that Streamline appears to handle
regions "within" the picture differently than the exterior. I am
trying to get a follow up on the user to user forum to see if this
interpretation is confirmed and find out if another work around is

Another approach I suggest to try in the meantime are the following

1. Convert one of your pictures where the external transparency is
"OK" and the internal transparency is not.

2. Preview the converted art (converted art / preview). Use the
pointer to select a part of the "external transparency".

3. Check the settings of the "Paint Style" (under the Options menu). I
would expect to see the slash mark (indicating "no fill" through the
fill, stroke and/or swatch. Note the settings for this part of the
converted picture for the next step.

4. Select a part of the "internal transparency" which is currenly
white. Make the "Paint Style" the same for this as for the external

Repeat the last step for each part that should be transparent. Save
when all internal white spots are converted. This should give you the
result you are looking for.

I realize this can be a tedious manual process and why I suggested
looking at other tools in my original answer. If you can specify which
type of system you are using (eg., Windows, Macintosh) I can do a more
focused search on conversion programs that will work with your system.


Request for Answer Clarification by dbky1-ga on 22 Jan 2003 20:12 PST
I am using Windows, 2000, and adobe Illustrator, streamline and
Photoshop. I am and have tried most of these things already, Its the
same thing each time.

Clarification of Answer by maniac-ga on 23 Jan 2003 15:46 PST
Hello Dbkyl,

There are a number of raster to vector conversion programs available
for Windows computers. I will list a few that appear to have trial
versions (try before buy) so you can determine which one can best meet
your needs. I am also including a couple references to on line
directories that have a more comprehensive list of programs to choose

This perhaps looks the closest to Streamline. There is a Quicktime
demonstration that you can view as well as a trial version. It also
supports operation as a plugin to Adobe Illustrator.

Hijaak and Hijaak Pro
A comprehensive program to convert between "over 115 graphic file
formats". I don't see a trial version available, but they indicate you
can return it for a 15% restocking fee (less than $25).

A CAD support program - definitely has a try before you buy version

Many of the products definitely had CAD users as their primary focus.
I'll list a few of them for reference but I'd try the ones above
before looking at these.

Acme Trace Art


More general lists of graphic applications are at...

In the Google Directory
(if you do a search in Google, the directory entry is often shown
below the link - that is how I found this particular category)

About will refer you to a few "featured" products and then provide a
more comprehensive list at the end. Some of the references are "how
to" documents as well.

I hope this answer gets you a solution that meets your needs. I will
also add another clarification if I get a more direct answer on Adobe
Streamline. Good luck.

Subject: Re: Maintaining Transparency of a Graphic file after converting to Vector
From: blackberryway-ga on 24 Jan 2003 16:22 PST
What Dbky1 is looking for is a compound path.

A compound path is exemplified by the letter "O"; the letter itself is
filled but the hole in it is, well, a hole, so when the letter is in
front of a background you can see through the hole to the background.

It's easy to create a compound path in Illustrator: select two (or
more) paths, then select Object | Compound Paths | Make from the menu
bar. (Or Control-8--Command-8 if you're using a Mac.)

Illustrator also has a number of commands in the Pathfinder palette
that may be helpful.

It's probably going to be fairly complex to get what Dbky1 wants to do
done, but it can be done. Fortunately, Illustrator has multiple undos.

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