Hi Jeff,
In principle, your request is quite simple and can be achieved with a
PHP include() command, however it is a little more difficult than that
for the following reasons:
1) The image locations are relative to the page, so when the code is
simply imported the resulting page has broken images.
2) The <html>, <head> and <body> tags are included and result in a
page that is not standards compliant and confuses some browsers.
An example of the result is here:
The source for that is here:
Another problem is the form on the page, it has a submit that is
relative to the page, which results in a 404 error when submitting the
form (ie. selecting a country for rates). Furthermore, the links
within the page are also relative, and have a similar result.
Even if the image locations, links and form submissions are corrected
before the page is displayed, once a link it followed, it is
impossible to maintain it within your site, and the links are to
another site.
It would be possible, in theory, to handle the links yourself, and
forward the requests to maintain the content within your own site,
however the potentially changing nature of the link makes that a very
improbable task.
In short, while what you are proposing is possible, however it will be
very hard to maintain, and possibly alter or destroy the functionality
supplied to you by the underlying site. In my opinion, your current
solution, using frames, is far more maintainable and much less likely
to break the functionality offered through the site.
I realise this isn't quite the solution you were after, but it is
really the only answer.
If you really have your mind set on including the content of that page
within your site, post a clarification request and I will create some
PHP code that will make it display properly, however once links are
followed or forms submitted the control would be leaving your site.
sycophant-ga |