The information relevant to your question can be found at the New York
State Department of Health and it says this:
"Where a single or dual family residential customer served by the
public water supply system has or proposes to install a lawn sprinkler
or irrigation system, the minimum required backflow protection to
prevent backsiphonage shall be vacuum breaker in accordance with Part
902.3 (i) of the UFP&BC. Vacuum breakers shall be located, specified,
installed, maintained and accessible for inspection in accordance with
Sections 902.2(d) (2) and 902.3(a), (b) (1), (c) & (d) of the UFP&BC,
respectively; in a manner acceptable to the supplier of water and/or
the local plumbing or building code enforcement official."
That was taken from this link:
And more information about NY State cross-connection control can be
found here:
The latter link provides contact details for getting hard copies of
this information.
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