The quality of the sound depends, as you might expect,
from the type of materials used in making the coins.
Although information regarding the nature of these materials
is not easily located on the internet, I was able to locate
the following references:
Brass finished coins seem to represent the highest quality,
and would make the richest sound:
"Made of the finest materials and beautifully decorated
with brass finished coins, this scarf will enhance your
workout and dance experience. The tinkling sound of the
coins is an integral part of Bellydancing and will
transform you magically to another land!"
From the PinkGypsy website:
Plated aluminum coins are a less expensive option
which doubtless produce a more tinny sound:
"Loose Turkish aliminium coins in bags of 1000 in gold,
silver or bronze colour"
From Hillary Thacker's Bazaar:
Plated nickel is another option. This should produce
a richer sound than aluminum, as it is a heavier metal:
"Hand-made from light weight silver/golden-plated nickel
metal pieces that replicate silver/golden coins."
From ShopAtEgypyt's belly dancing costume catalog:
A much cheaper solution, with a sound quality to match,
I'm sure, is the plastic coin:
"Wrap. Free size. Gold or silver holographic plastic
coins, in any colour."
From Hillary Thacker's Bazaar:
And here's a response in a thread about belly dancing
coins where the offer was made to put the questioner
in touch with the author of a handbook on making your
own coins!:
"contact master emmerich aka james coffman
at emrik@reninet.com. The books are $10."
From the Arador Armour Library forum on the
Brothers Grymme website:
Shira, who runs the most extensive site I ran across
in relation to belly dancing, authors a column called
'Ask the Costume Goddess'. She welcomes email questions,
and would be an excellent resource for further exploration.
She notes that:
"Many Arab import shops have several types of brass and
nickel coins with a medium weight, as well as ready-made
costume pieces. Coin shops might have foreign coins
suitable for the purpose. Surf the web--there are many
vendors who sell either real or imitation coins for use
on belly dance costumes. Obviously, you'll have to do
some shopping with your belt and compare the look and
feel of the belt with the coins you're considering
Here's the page to write a letter to 'Dear Shira'.
Her email address is on this page:
Callista's Middle Eastern Dance site recommends Pat Cajan's:
"1 bag of assorted coins that have holes gold or silver
[you can get 90 for $3 at PatCatan's]"
Pat Cajan's Craft Centers are located in Ohio and New Jersey.
Their online presence is here, but it doesn't look like you
can order online:
You may be able to obtain a catalog and purchase by mail.
Their contact page is here:
Please do not rate this answer until you are satisfied that
the answer cannot be improved upon by means of a dialog
established through the "Request for Clarification" process.
Searches done, via Google:
bellydancing "hip scarf"
bellydancing "hip scarf" sounds
belly dancing "hip scarf" sounds
belly dancing "hip scarf" +sounds
"hip scarf" +sounds
"belly dancing" coins buy
"belly dancing" coins
"belly dancing coins"
"hip scarf" materials
Pat Catan's
://www.google.com/search?num=50&hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&safe=off&q=Pat+Catan%27s&btnG=Google+Search |
Request for Answer Clarification by
26 Jan 2003 20:10 PST
Hi sublime1,
Did any of the sources you found actually talk about sound quality, or
are you making assumptions about sound quality from the marketing of
different scarves? "Made of the finest materials" sounds to me to be
a marketing phrase, rather than a comparison of quality with other
I had already submitted my question to the Costume Goddess, but since
I hadn't heard from her, I thought I'd try Google answers as well.
I must say that the searches you performed are not so different from
my own, and I also did a much more extensive search without success,
which is why I offered the $20 price tag--I knew this was a pretty
hard question.
I'm not so happy with the answer, since you seem to be simply telling
me the relative prices of different coin materials--information I
could have gotten quite easily. The jump from price and some spin by
a seller to assumptions about sound quality seems pretty iffy to me.
If I missed something in your response, please let me know. This is
my first use of Google answers, so maybe I am expecting too much? But
I thought the higher price might get me the answer that I hadn't been
able to find myself.
Thanks for any clarification,
Clarification of Answer by
26 Jan 2003 23:08 PST
I'm sorry to learn that my efforts only duplicated your own
(something which can be avoided in the future by including
what information your own searches have already yielded in
your initial question).
I based my 'assumptions' about sound quality on the fact that
I have an ear for music such that I play 3 instruments by ear,
and have aural memories of the different qualities of sound
produced by different metals. The purest sound, by the way,
would be produced by the unique (and secret) alloy of 22
different metals used in the making of authentic Tibetan
Bells, which produce a more pure sound than an electronic
oscillator is capable of making.
While I'm confident that my searches were thorough, and that
it is very improbable that further information along the lines
you seek is going to be found online, I can ask the editors
to remove my answer, if that is your wish, which will allow
other researchers to explore the question. If the editors agree
to remove the answer, I can copy and post my current answer,
including the searches I performed, as well as your subsequent
clarification, as a comment, to better inform the efforts of
future attempts.
Let me know your wishes.