I have the following code which works great on the pc but the mac does
not post the form to the new target defined by the javascript. it is
IE 5.1.6 on the mac. what javascript change needs to be made. I am
willing to pay to get this problem out of my hair.
document.mainform.winopen.value = 4
document.mainform.target='blank'; document.mainform.submit();
The goal is to post the form to the new window and then reset the form
action and not post the form on the current window. basically a post
and hold on the current window. IE PC does this fine, but the mac
wants to refresh the current window since it thinks the post is to
itself and ignores the target change. |
Request for Question Clarification by
26 Jan 2003 05:03 PST
Hi darreng-ga,
Here is what I understand from your question. When the user clicks
submit, a new window opens. Once the form has been submitted, you want
to disable any more submit button posts. Is this correct? Or are you
aiming for something else? Some clarifications would help.
Also, please specify what steps you have already taken to
solve/work around the problem.
Thank You,
Clarification of Question by
26 Jan 2003 10:40 PST
There is a form on the page and when they click a link, the javascript
posts the form to a new target window (_blank). the page they clicked
the link on does not refresh of act like they clicked the link. on
the new window the program there takes in the form post and does
something with it and then they close that window and see the original
window that was behind it where they clicked the link that opened the
window. what it does is gets all of the form info to the new window
and leaves the form waiting for them to continue the input and then
when they hit submit it posts to the same window as normal. PC very
happy with it, but mac acts like it can not post a form to a new
_blank target and leave the original window alone. The mac does not
even open the new target window.
Request for Question Clarification by
27 Jan 2003 12:08 PST
Hi darreng-ga,
Unfortunately, this seems to be a long running problem with IE5
on mac. Although I have found references to this problem in other
users posts on Google Groups, there does not appear to be a solution.
Microsoft's KnowledgeBase does not contain any references to it.
Perhaps they do not consider this a bug. So, it appears that there is
no way to open a new window & post to it using the TARGET attribute of
the form tag.
However, there is a workaround that will allow you to post to a
new window, and should work with all browsers. If you will be willing
to accept that as an answer, I will post the relevant code here.
Also, it would help if you could detail all the workarounds you
have tried in order to get the desired results.