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We want to hire high school (not college) graduates. How do I find them?
Category: Business and Money > Employment Asked by: nronronronro-ga List Price: $20.00 |
25 Jan 2003 18:19 PST
Expires: 24 Feb 2003 18:19 PST Question ID: 148570 |
I run a small business. We pay below-the-norm for college graduates because that is all we can afford. Trouble is, the best grads stay for about four months, learn all they can, and then leave for more pay elsewhere. I would like to try high school graduates in their late teens or early twenties. I might even consider high school dropouts. Our work is administrative, but not difficult. The work does require enthusiasm, diligence, and a strong work ethic. My theory is, we could pay these young high school graduates the same as we are currently paying the collegians. But the high schoolers might stay longer given that we will be paying them a premium wage (relative to the market). Are there any other groups of "under-employed" workers I should be considering? Where can I find a database of non-college (high school, 18-22 years old) resumes? (Most of the big online services seem to specialize in bachelors or masters-level candidates.) A great answer would offer 3-4 web sites where I might search. We do business in the San Francisco Bay Area. All comments greatly appreciated! |
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Re: We want to hire high school (not college) graduates. How do I find them?
Answered By: leader-ga on 25 Jan 2003 19:31 PST Rated: ![]() |
Hello: Thank You for allowing me an opportunity to answer your question. Keeping in mind the search criteria explained by you, I have compiled a list of useful organizations and websites that will help you finding the right candidate. Furthermore, I have tried to include such organizations that work with companies to hire high schools students in San Francisco Area. Following is the list: Enterprise for High School Students http://www.ehss.org/index.html A San Francisco based organization working with companies to hire motivated high school students, preferably in SF and California. BayScan http://www.bayscan.org/ A San Francisco based organization that work with companies to develop a network based community so that high school students and employers can achieve their goals (companies by hiring students, students by getting work experience). WorkKeys http://www.act.org/workkeys/index.html An Iowa based organization that maintains a huge database of high school students looking for work. CalScan http://www.calscan.org/ A San Francisco based organization which is financially managed by BayScan but is independent. Its misson is, To foster a statewide network that supports School-to-Career activities and partnerships in California. Intern Summer http://www.internsummer.com A California based organization which intends to provide high school students with summer internships with local companies in California. You might want to review the following organization. It might or might not fulfill your desired requirements. http://www.northbayinterns.com/employers.html There are some websites which are specifically targeted towards teens and high school students where an employer can search a database for future employers. http://teens4hire.org/index.asp http://www.jobdoggy.com You should also try the keyword jobs for teens and jobs for high school students in various search engines. I will recommend you to use ://www.google.com, http://www.alltheweb.com and http://www.altavista.com You can also try http://www.collegejobboard.com/employer/main.cfm Useful Search Terms: jobs for teens jobs for high school students hire teens hire high school students high school jobs teen jobs Hope the answer will help you in your research. Please be advised that I am here to help you and if you need further assistance, please clarify. Thanks again. Sincerely, leader-ga |
rated this answer:![]() leader---that's an A+ answer. I'll check out these sources right away. Thank you. trillium---thanks for your comments. Also, thanks for the data from mylitsearch. I appreciate it. probonopublico---I agree completely. In the past, we've recruited foreign students from the UC-Berkeley certificate program. Interestingly enough, their biggest advantage is not that wages are lower, but rather that they don't have the "you-owe-me-and-when-is-coffee-break" attitude of many American young people. Thanks for your comments. ron |
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Re: We want to hire high school (not college) graduates. How do I find them?
From: trillium-ga on 25 Jan 2003 20:29 PST |
I'm sure the sites listed above are great resources if you are sure you want to recruit on the internet. Bear in mind that its not the only way to search, however. Since you have seem to know what you're looking for and no specific training is required, your best bet for recruiting new employees is probably through referrals. Put the word out to current employees and other contacts you have that you're looking for high school graduates with a strong work ethic (note that age discrimination in hiring is against the law). Advantages: Hiring by referral saves money. Not just because it's free, but also because it is more efficient. Posting job openings online can lead to a deluge of applications and it costs your organization time (and therefore money) to sort through them all and |
Re: We want to hire high school (not college) graduates. How do I find them?
From: trillium-ga on 25 Jan 2003 20:36 PST |
Oops...hit enter before finishing... I'm sure the sites listed above are great resources if you are sure you want to recruit on the internet. Bear in mind that its not the only way to search, however. Since you have seem to know what you're looking for and no specific training is required, your best bet for recruiting new employees is probably through referrals. Put the word out to current employees and other contacts you have that you're looking for high school graduates with a strong work ethic (note that age discrimination in hiring is against the law). Advantages: Hiring by referral saves money. - it's free, - it is more efficient: Posting job openings online can lead to a flood of applications and it costs your organization time (i.e. money) to sort through them all find the people you want. - people who are referred tend to be better qualified than people who respond to ads. It costs virtually nothing to respond to an ad. But recommending someone puts you're name on the line and you won't do it for someone who can't do the job. You will have less applicants but they will be more qualified. - people hired through referrals have lower turnover (which is exactly what you're looking for) For research backing up the assertions see: http://www.mylitsearch.org/pub/103358162 |
Re: We want to hire high school (not college) graduates. How do I find them?
From: probonopublico-ga on 26 Jan 2003 01:41 PST |
Easy! You hire graduates from overseas. I have been VERY impressed with a call centre used by one UK bank. It's in India and the women are exceptionally bright and would love to get some overseas experience. |
Another consideration
From: inquiring-ga on 26 Jan 2003 03:04 PST |
Would you consider hiring college graduates who are only able to work during typical "school hours" because they have the primary responsibility of caring for their child? My supervisor has been very successful at finding highly skilled and motivated employees who work 9 am to 3 pm, with lots of experience, enthusiasm and excellent work ethics. An added benefit is the most highly desirable trait...that ability to get along with other people and work in a team. They are called "returning to workforce" parents. After 5 to 6 years of being unemployed as stay-home parents, they relish the chance to return to work for (some) pay. If they have to pay "before and after school" childcare fees, it defeats the purpose of working, if it is at an entry wage. So just let them work the hours the kids are in school, and get school holidays and breaks off without pay. Look to the PTA and room-moms or dads - those are some dependable parents. |
Re: We want to hire high school (not college) graduates. How do I find them?
From: nronronronro-ga on 26 Jan 2003 12:20 PST |
inquiring, thanks for the great idea. We will contact area PTAs and see what happens. Thanks, again! |
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