Hi, Sadgrove ...
At times it can be hard to troubleshoot HTML problems, and the harder
we look, the less we can see what the problem is.
Actually, your blue table on the left is doing exactly what the coding
tells it to do, that is, make itself as long as the entire table in
which it is embedded.
Tisme is right, the coding is for that column to be as long as the
page, which you have done.
If you want that blue column on the left to be no longer than the
content on the right ... all you need to do is get rid of all the
<p> </p>
below your close table tag - </table> and the closing body tag
</body>. Each of those adds another two lines to your page, and the
blue column therefore gets another two lines longer, too.
Your right column (the white side) has a height listed within the
cell's tag as shown below:
<td width="21%" height="1878" valign=TOP bgcolor="#00007F">
You can remove the height value completely within that tag, and the
table will expand in height to adjust to accommodate the contents
within that table cell.
On another (and somewhat related) issue, when looking at your coding
(HTML) on the page, I also noticed that there is no doc type
According to HTML standards each HTML document requires a document
type declaration. The "DOCTYPE" begins the HTML document and tells a
validator which version of HTML to use in checking the document's
syntax. The reason this is important is you don't want your visitors
to enounter your web page and not be able see it as you intended.
Without such a doctype on your html pages, most browsers will render
the page according to whatever doctype statement it picked up from the
previous page visited. The results are often disastrous. When using
proprietary software such as you are using to build the page, a
doctype declaration is even more important, in effect, it tells
browsers that can't interpret any proprietary coding how to render it
As a rule, adding a doctype declaration also takes care of some of the
little bugs you may encounter such as the one above.
Information on both doctype and its importance to your document can be
found at
Hope this helps,
Serenata |