I need a rather large database of English words, something like
5,000+. I've found online dictionaries which offer you their database,
but those contain words which I do not desire. This is for a random
word type-of-program, and the words need to be simple and non-vulgar.
Free databases would be great but I am also willing to pay a
reasonable fee for one.
Thanks in advance,
Chen Avinadav |
Request for Question Clarification by
26 Jan 2003 10:27 PST
I have a 2,000 word list of the most common (non vulgar) English words
with part of speech included, but a 5,000 word list is turning out to
be elusive. Maybe some other researcher can find it, but if not, let
me know if the 2K list would suffice as an answer.
Clarification of Question by
26 Jan 2003 11:21 PST
Hi pafalafa-ga,
I think a list of 2,000 words would be good enough. Please note that I
need "real" words only, and not "a", "and", "me", etc.
Request for Question Clarification by
26 Jan 2003 12:51 PST
Palafala-ga has informed me that he thinks that the list he found is
not as good as the lists I've found. I have looked at the list that
palafala-ga found, and note that it includes words such as "a", "and",
and "me".
I would be happy to post the lists that I've already found; however, I
intend to look around for a single list that meets your criteria,
since I am certain that such a list would make a good answer.
Request for Question Clarification by
26 Jan 2003 12:53 PST
Oops, I meant "pafalafa-ga" -- sorry Pafalafa!
Clarification of Question by
26 Jan 2003 14:03 PST
Hi justaskscott-ga,
According to your comment at 12:06 PST your list seems to be exactly
what I'm looking for. I'm sure pafalafa-ga won't mind if you do get
this question, as he said "Maybe some other researcher can find it".
If you could please post the information you have as an answer I would
be happy to accept it.
Thank you,