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Website placement on search engines
Category: Business and Money > eCommerce Asked by: sferguson-ga List Price: $50.00 |
26 Jan 2003 15:07 PST
Expires: 25 Feb 2003 15:07 PST Question ID: 148859 |
I have just launched my site www.boardexchnage.co.uk and wish a deatiled answer on how to carry out the following: 1. How do i have the site placed on the search engines to come up on the first page of searches? 2. How do i go about running an "e" campaign on the net? 3. What is pay per click and how does it work exactly? 4. How do i do all this without huge amounts of cash(not scared of long hours and hard work)? | |
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Re: Website placement on search engines
Answered By: gleffler-ga on 28 Jan 2003 21:52 PST |
>> I have just launched my site www.boardexchnage.co.uk and wish a >> deatiled answer on how to carry out the following: Congratulations on launching your site! I hope the techniques I provide below let you do what you were planning as far as your site's growth is concerned. >> 1. How do i have the site placed on the search engines to come up on >> the first page of searches? Getting your site placed on search engines is a thorny issue. This is mainly because all search engines don't look for the same things. There are however, some good resources on the Internet and some good advice I can offer you for getting your site ranked the best it can be. The first thing I would do is immediately add what are called "meta tags" to your site. You can read more about meta tags <a href="http://searchenginewatch.com/webmasters/meta.html">here</a>, but basically, they are hidden tags that some search engine programs read to determine what your site is about. You not having them may be hurting you from moving up in listings. While these tags are NOT by any means the only things that are looked at by search engines, they can certainly help. You need to come up with a short description of your site and several action words that describe your site. A good description of your site may be something like "Buy, sell, or trade your skateboards, snowboards, or windsurfing equipment" and keywords you may want to consider are "exchange, buy, skateboards, snowboards, wind surfing" -- in other words, be concise yet descriptive. One thing you do not want to do is make these tags irrelevant. While having search-engine readable tags certainly helps, the biggest thing you could do to increase your web page's standing in search engines is to put some content on the front page. What you have now, while very visually appealing, is awful for search engines. Your page looks like nothing but a bunch of images and Flash objects (and search engines can't do anything with those). I would recommend putting a short paragraph about what you do and why people should visit your site somewhere visible on the front page - perhaps right below your existing content now. This should help search engines understand what your site is about and that should help raise you up dramatically in rankings. In addition, you obviously need to be listed on search engines in the first place. I would recommend adding yourself to <a href="://www.google.com/addurl.html">Google</a> and <a href="http://docs.yahoo.com/info/suggest/">Yahoo!</a> first of all - many other smaller engines use these 2 sites for their results. Nothing can guarantee you a high placement in search engine results. The techniques listed above will help, but only good content can do it in the end. Make sure you keep your page up to date and rich with relevant content, and the search engine placement will begin to take care of itself. >> 2. How do i go about running an "e" campaign on the net? There are lots of ways to promote your site online. You can place a <a href="://www.google.com/ads/">text ad on a search engine</a>, you can also place banner ads on relevant sites, and you can try to exchange links. I'll discuss each of these methods now. Text ads on search engines are nice because you know the person searching is at least somewhat interested in your site. They are generally inexpensive and provide a great way to drive visitors to your site. They also are a good introduction to trying to 'sell' your site in a short amount of space. You need to develop about a 6-7 word description that makes people want to visit your site. This description and a link to your site appears when users search for certain words. Banner ads on relevant sites are good as well. For example, you could place a banner on an extreme sports site or on a ski resort site. This should help your traffic because all the users of those sites would have at least a passing interest in your site. The biggest problem you can make with banner advertising is to not have it relevant. For instance, don't place a banner ad for your site on <a href="http://www.slashdot.org">Slashdot</a>, for example, because it's not your target audience. You'd just be wasting your money. Link exchanges are good for smaller/starting sites and work like they sound. You agree to link to a page in exchange for them linking to you. This helps people navigate to similar sites and they often can have a high rate of success. The problem is similar to the one with banner ads - these must be targeted to be effective. Link exchanges with irrelevant sites won't do a thing to help your traffic. >> 3. What is pay per click and how does it work exactly? Pay-per-click is a system where you create a text-based ad or a banner ad, but unlike other methods that charge you for everytime the ad is displayed, pay-per-click only charges you for actual clicks to your site. This works by a site redirecting the user to your site, after they've counted the click so they can charge you for it. <a href="http://www.overture.com">Some search engines</a> are entirely pay-per-click, and others just elevate the pay-per-click listings to the top of the results. Pay-per-click is a good way to get initial exposure for your site, but it can rapidly get expensive as your site gets popular. Personally, I recommend using standard text-based ads instead. Judging from my own site, users tend to ignore banner ads and are much more likely to click on a text-based ad, as long as it interests them. >> 4. How do i do all this without huge amounts of cash(not scared of >> long hours and hard work)? To be honest, except for advertisments, you shouldn't need to spend a penny. You can submit your search to almost every legitimate search engine for free (sometimes you'll have to search to find the submission page), and all the optimization techniques are free. Your advertising is only limited by how far out you want to reach and how much money you have to spend. Ultimately, the more work you put into your site, the better it will be ranked. Infinite amounts of cash won't keep users coming back to a bad site. I hope the information above was helpful and that it thoroughly answered your questions. If it did not, please feel free to post a clarification request, and I will be glad to answer any additional questions that you have. Thank you and good luck with your site! /gleffler-ga The content from this answer came almost 100% from my experience as a web developer and from maintaining my own successful web site. If you are looking for more information, it would be good to search for some of the following phrases: <a href="://www.google.com/search?q="search%20engine%20optimization">search engine optimization</a> <a href="Http://www.google.com/search?q="internet%20marketing">internet marketing</a> | |
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Re: Website placement on search engines
From: j_philipp-ga on 26 Jan 2003 23:11 PST |
Hello Sferguson, You may find the following helpful in answering the first part of your question: Google search results -- how to optimize a site http://answers.google.com/answers/main?cmd=threadview&id=45408 |
Re: Website placement on search engines
From: robertskelton-ga on 27 Jan 2003 04:02 PST |
The #1 key for high results in search engines is content. If most of your content is for members only, this means nobody will link to you, and the search engines won't be able to index the pages. I suggest that you make some of your site available to everybody, and let subscribers get something extra... no ads, extra content, special priveleges... |
Re: Website placement on search engines
From: anonnymous-ga on 27 Jan 2003 06:35 PST |
Id: 148859 A usefull question.and here the answer: First of all, your website is down right now on: 27/january-2003 23:00 GMT. 1- There is too many ways to make your site apears on first page of search engines. More money you pay, you will be more lucky to be on first page. you can register your site manually by visiting the search engines one by one, and creat an account with setting how much you pay if they send some one to your site. the easier way to do it is to buy a tool (software) from a trusty company and use it to register your site on search engine. I preffer "addweb 6" from the folowing webiste: http://www.cyberspacehq.com/products/addweb/home.shtm Submitting your website to the search engines with Softwares and even manually, cannot be the only step taken in promoting your Website. If anything can be more important than telling the search engines that you exist, it is telling them who and what you are! Building web pages that are designed to perform well on the search engines is not just tactically important, not doing so can be the death of your website. There are a number of things to be done in order to perform well in the searches. There are also things that can be done to destroy your listings on many of the search engines. there are some sites that just can't seem to get listed, but over 90% of the time we examine the pages in question and find exactly why they are not listed. I have found that education in Web Page Optimization is the key. These themes will include Don't use Frames, Provide readable content, Check your Meta Tags, Use Accurate, HONEST information, Don't Spam and Don't Trick the search engines. There are many more things involved and it WILL seem overwhelming at first. The question you should ask yourself before going further is "Do I want a good listing for my website". The Pros and Cons should be readily apparent. If they aren't, you may not be ready to have a website. If they are, buckle up, You're in for a ride through the internet like you've never seen. Many people believe that they should submit all of the pages (or multiple pages) from their website. DON'T DO IT. You will likely get banned from the search engines. Only submit your home page, and follow the submission rules. If you have multiple pages on your site that relate to different subjects, make sure they are in their own directories and make sure they are really on different subjects. Don't try to spam the engines with multiple pages in the hopes of getting more keyword results. It just won't work, and will likely backfire. the most effective methods of promotion involve allowing the engines to find you naturally. yes, Link exchange. This simple method of exchanging links with other webmasters is the result of extensive research and testing. I have found it to be faster and more effective than submission alone. Engines like it because they know the links to be real as they follow them from other sites. They know you are active in the internet community as you are linked to from somewhere else. They know you are a valuable link as they find you on a number of other sites. As you see, there are a number of reasons an engine will want to list your site based on LinkTrader over submission alone. you can also go directly to pay money per view. engines like money and they will add you on first page if you pay more than others. but this is not the solution. then you have to pay millions of $ ! do like above and you will be first . don't forget, Meta tags are too important than you think. engines will find you from there. and description is important too, because engines will show description to people. for more information about meta tags and description go to: http://searchenginewatch.com/webmasters/meta.html 2- there are lot of usefull tools on the net witch you can send mails. first of all, people must subscribe to your mailing list on the net. best way to do it is using a database. use a host witch offering a database or at least php. there are lot of programs that cost money. but you can use also the free ones. yes, free ones. I preffer Dcp mail. DCP-Mail is a PHP based Mailing List Manager which does not need any SQL servers and uses a text file as database. Main features are: Subscribe/Usubscribe to list View members from admin area Table font and color configuration Sending mail in Text or HTML format you can download it from http://linux.tucows.com/internet/preview/241707.html and a good shareware program is massmail express. you can buy or download it from: http://www.mme2000.com/ you can use also a free program called phasma 3000. for anonnymous mail sendings. download it from 3- for learning more about pay per click look at the following picture: https://www.adwords.google.com/select/overview.html 4 - the answer is in answer number 1 and 2 and 3. Read it again carefully and don't forget: don't use tricks on engines. 5- and in the end of this answer, try to make a professional site. use "live support" application on your site. more information is on: http://iaxx.com/LSscript.asp , it's free.:) and if you want a marketing application , you can buy http://www.maxit.biz/xcart.html xcart. I hope you got your answer. |
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