Hi Cork1,
Charles Goren was born in Philadelphia in 1901. A bachelor his entire
life, he earned a Masters degree in Law from McGill University. It
was there, as a student, that he fell in love with bridge.
His first book in 1936 was "Winning Bridge Made Easy". That same year
he decided to devote himself to bridge full time. Known as "Mr.
Bridge" he was the world's leading bridge authority and wrote a hugely
popular syndicated bridge column. He also had a TV series which ran
from 1959 to 1964, called "Championship Bridge with Charles Goren".
It was the first successful bridge program on television. His books
are estimated to have sold moer than ten million copies. He was also
the first bridge personality to be featured on the cover of TIME
Goren was a member of the winning American team in the inaugural
Bermuda Bowl in 1950. Throughout his career he won 34 national
titles, and won the McKenney Trophy for overall masterpoint wins eight
times. He also led the ACBL masterpoint rankings from 1944 to 1962.
His bridge partner throughout much of this time was Helen Sobel.
His style of play was based on "Milton Work's point count system"
where an ace is worth 4, king=3, queen=2, jack=1. This method became
immensely popular and is now known as the Standard American system.
In 1959 Goren was named an ACBL Honorary member, and was one of the
first three players elected to the Bridge Hall of Fame in 1963. He
died in 1991.
For a more extensive biography:
For a list of Goren's books on Amazon:
Please let me know if you need further information.
Torq |