Thanks for asking your question. You asked the following:
"How do I find a listing of online recovery discussion groups that are
for addictive spenders or addictive debtors?"
Here is a list that I compiled through my research.
Spenders Anonymous:
"We welcome you to our web site. Spenders Anonymous is a 12-Step
program based on the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous, however there
is no organizational affiliation between Spenders Anonymous and A.A.
Our intention with this web site is to get the word out to compulsive
spenders who are still suffering. Our message is that you are not
alone and that you too can find peace and serenity through the twelve
steps of Spenders Anonymous, as we have.
We are a small fellowship and can easily be overwhelmed by a high
volume of inquires. We have endeavored to place virtually all of our
printed information on this web site. We have extended an extra effort
to make the material on this site printer friendly so that you can use
printed material from this site to start your own meeting in your
area. It is our hope that most of our web site contacts will be to
tell us that you have started a meeting in your area. We pledge to
update our "list of meetings page" at least once per week."
Spenders Online Discussion Group:
"SPENDERS, registered Debtors Anonymous group #450, is a forum for
compulsive spenders and debtors to "share their experience, strength
and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and
help others to recover from compulsive debting."
This group uses the twelve steps, traditions and tools of Debtors
Anonymous as a suggested program of recovery from compulsive spending
and chronic debting. "Off topic" posts should be kept to a minimum."
Don't Debt Online Discussion Group:
"The Don't Debt online Debtors Anonymous group is a "list server" or
"majordomo" list, that runs through electronic mail. When a member
posts a message to the list's email address, their message is received
by all of those on the list.
This list was established by a group of members of Debtors Anonymous
with the following goals:
1. To establish an online presence of solvent debtors who could be a
resource for debtors who had no access to DA meetings or only limited
and difficult access.
2. To provide a discussion forum that is a kind of cross between a
meeting and a casual, on-going, solvency-oriented open discussion
(although much looser and much more informal than a meeting).
3. To support the development of an online community of solvent (that
is, non-debting or "abstinent") debtors who can share their
experience, strength, and hope with each other, based on the 12 Steps,
the 12 Traditions, and the 12 Tools of Debtors Anonymous."
Online Debtors Anonymous Intergroup:
"ODAI, Online Debtors Anonymous Intergroup Serves the online DA
community to strengthen the DA fellowship as a whole.
ODAI maintains a website with links to online meeting and event
details and ODAI volunteers respond to inquiries and conduct 12th step
work online.
Each registered online DA group is encouraged to have an ODAI
representative on this list, participate in monthly ODAI e-meetings to
share and gather information about DA recovery online.
GSRs and alternates from Registered Online Groups are also most
Membership in ODAI is open to all online DA groups and all DA members.
There are no dues or fees for membership. The Intergroup is
self-supporting through contributions of DA members and groups."
Debtor's Anonymous:
"Debtors Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their
experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve
their common problem and help others to recover from compulsive
The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop incurring
unsecured debt. There are no dues or fees for D.A. membership; we are
self-supporting through our own contributions.
D.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization
or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither
endorses nor opposes any causes.
Our primary purpose is to stay solvent and help other compulsive
debtors to achieve solvency."
Moneylife's Debt Support Group:
"MoneyLife's Debt Support Group is a group of MoneyLife members who
recognize problem debting in their personal lives, and come together
to effect positive, long-term change in their financial lives by
breaking the cycle of debting."
Compulsive Spenders Message Boards:
I hope that this provides a good starting point. Please use any
answer clarification before rating this answer. I will be happy to
explain or expand on any issue you may have.
Kevin, M.D.
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