Hi irish2-ga,
I can't find data for 30 and over.
What I did locate were percentages from 1987 and 1992...
Trends in Cancer Screening -- United States, 1987 and 1992
TABLE 1. Percentage of persons who reported ever or recently * having
screening tests for cancer, by test, age group of respondent, and year
-- United States, National Health Interview Survey, 1987 and 1992 +
Persons ever tested Persons tested recently
1987 1992 1987 1992
Test/ --------- ---------- ---------- -----------
Age group (yrs) % (SE &) % (SE) % (SE) % (SE)
Papanicolaou test@
18-29 84 (0.4) 85 (0.5) 70 (0.3) 73 (0.8)
30-39 95 (0.5) 95 (0.2) 77 (0.7) 76 (0.8)
40-49 94 (0.9) 97 (1.0) 71 (1.4) 71 (1.6)
50-59 91 (1.0) 94 (0.6) 67 (1.5) 64 (1.1)
60-69 88 (2.0) 92 (1.7) 57 (1.7) 59 (1.7)
>=70 76 (0.2) 82 (1.9) 41 (0.5) 43 (1.7)
A report published in May 2001 states, "In the United States, an
estimated 50 million Papanicolaou (Pap) tests are performed each year
to screen women for cervical cancer."
also gives the figure of "About 50 million Pap tests are performed
each year in the United States."
Use of Health Care Services for Disorders of the Female Reproductive
System: 1977-1978
United States, 1977-78
Figure 4 shows the variations in the rate of visits that included a
Pap test according to the patients age group. For patients 15-24
years of age, approximately 333 visits per 1,000 women included a Pap
test. The rate peaked at 530 per 1,000 for the age group 25-34,
declined to approximately 382 per 1,000 for the age group 35-44 and
decreased to 163 per 1,000 for women 65 years of age and over.
http://caonline.amcancersoc.org/cgi/reprint/45/5/305.pdf is a
generalpaper on the staus of Pap tests which gives some age data in
Perhaps another researcher can find data broken into the groupings
that you need.
I searched SEER, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of
Health, ACS Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National
Center for Health Statistics and MedLine and Google
for: pap test statistics demographics age over 30
Good luck with the search,
bcguide-ga |