Hi there,
This is for searches of "heat pack" without the quotes - very few
searchers use quotes. I have used every tool I am aware of and deduced
an overall estimate for you.
Google Adwords
Although it is impossible to get a precise figure for any Google
search term, you can get a fair idea from Google's Adword program. You
need to sign up and go through a few pages, and their estimates are
only good estimates if someone else is already bidding on the keywords
you choose. From my Australian viewpoint (Adwords can target specific
regions) I see four ads (at the right of search results) when I search
for heat pack.
If you pay for the top position in the Google Adwords listings, they
estimate 3 click-throughs per day = 90 per month.
In Dec 2002, heat pack was searched for 1281 times. The figure
includes any search for heat packs - the plural. This compares with
these other search terms:
MP3 1138884
Madonna 299979
Wheelchair 33214
Furby 12885
Aibo 8690
2012 2244
Foot Bath 2048
Ice Pack 1388
Sinus Mask 238
Europe's largest pay-per-click search engine reports last month:
heat pack 5
heat packs 26
Popular American pay-per-click, 183 searches in December 2002
(includes plurals)
WordTracker is a popular keyword service, and they offer a free trial.
They study the searches made at MetaCrawler and Dogpile. From a total
of 348 million searches made in the last 60 days, there were:
heat packs 94
heat pack 49
foot bath 59
fott baths 36
2012 275
Furby 572
Somewhere between 1,000 and 10,000 Google searches per month.
Based on Overture click-throughs
Overture claim 500 million click-throughs per quarter.
Whereas Google has roughly 12,000 million searches per quarter.
It is very hard comparing searches with click-throughs. If they were
equal you could estimate 30,000 searches for heat pack each month at
Google. But that would be the very highest.
Based on WordTracker
By comparing Google's number of searches with the WordTracker results,
we get 5,000 searches per quarter.
Based on personal experience
I have a web page which comes up #2 in a Google search. The numbers of
visitors I get from that particular search is very similar to the
number that comes up using the Overture tool. Another web page,
(different site and topic) comes up #4 and gets roughly half the
Overture figure. Many more would click on other pages listed in the
results, so I'd multiply the Overture figure by two or three to get
number of Google searches.
I hope you accept my reasoning for the estimate of 1,000 - 10,000
Google searches per month. Usually when someone asks a question of
this nature at Google Answers, it doesn't get answered - because it is
impossible to give a precise answer. I only answered your question
because you appear to appreciate the haziness of it all!
Best wishes,
robertskelton-ga |