Clarification of Question by
28 Jan 2003 11:37 PST
Thank you for your questions, I'm sure they will only assist you and
other researchers in locating the best references.
The US patents you cite, 5,992,091 and 5,873,197 by Rowse are known to
me, as are patents 5,119,589 and 4,912,874. Given the workload of the
examiners at the USPTO I am not presuming proper and exhaustive
research was done prior to the patents being issued. It is my hope
that one of the fine Google researchers will prove this out.
For greater clarity, the patents you site, 5,119,589 and 4,912,874,
are of great help in pointing out the specific elements I am looking
for. In 5,119,589, a drum is used but it uses steam to prime the
seeds and there is no mention of the dual drums or the semi-permeable
membrane I seek.
Secondly, the 4,912,874 patent speaks strictly of a dry medium base
material mixed in with the seeds with a liquid medium introduced.
Again no mention of the dual drums or semi-permeable membrane.
For further clarrification, the patent you cite, 5,992,091, is a great
example of what I'm looking for...although disclosed or discussed
prior to June of 1994.
Thank you for your question.